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<br />City of ArJen I-rills Personnel Policy <br /> <br />Effective June 29, 2002 <br /> <br />DRUG-FREE WORK POLICY <br /> <br />In accordance with federal law, the City of Arden Hills has adopted the following policy on <br />drugs in the workplace: <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />Employees are expected and required to report to work on time and in appropriate mental <br />and physical condition for work. It is our intent and obligation to provide a drug-free, safe, <br />and secure work environment. <br /> <br />The unlawful production, distribution, possession, or use of alcohol, illegal drugs or <br />controlled substances on City property, or while conducting City business is absolutely <br />prohibited. Violations of this policy will result in disciplinary action, up to and including <br />termination of employment, and may have other legal consequences. <br /> <br />The City recognizes drug dependency as an illness and a major health problem. The City also <br />recognizes drug abuse as a potential health, safety, and security problem. Employees needing <br />help in dealing with such problems are encouraged to seek and successfully complete <br />treatment. Employees are encouraged to take advantage of the Employee Assistance Program <br />benefit. <br /> <br />Employees must, as a condition of employment, abide by the terms of the above policy and . <br />must report any conviction under a criminal drug statute for violations occurring on or off <br />work premises while conducting City business. A report of the conviction must be made <br />within five (5) days after the conviction as required by the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988. <br /> <br />The use, possession, distribution, production or sale of alcohol or illegal drugs anywhere at <br />work on City time, on City property, or in City vehicles is prohibited and considered a willful <br />violation of City policy which can result in suspension or discharge. Drug and alcohol testing <br />of both blood and urine may be conducted under the circumstances set forth below. The City <br />will use Minnesota Rule 4740.1075 through 4740.1090 for minimum standard of alcohol and <br />drug detection limits, to wit: <br /> <br />1. Applicants. All acceptable candidates who have been offered employment or <br />full- or part-time positions in areas where physicals are required will be required <br />to undergo a drug test as part of the placement procedure. This test will only be <br />used to detect alcohol, illegal drugs, or their metabolites. We will notify any <br />applicant of test results and, subject to the provisions of number 7 below, will <br />withdraw an employment offer for anyone who tests positive. <br /> <br />2. <br /> <br />Employees may be required to undergo drug and alcohol testing if there is <br />reasonable cause or suspicion to believe that the employee: <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />a. Is under the influence of drugs or alcohol; or, <br />16 <br />