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<br />/. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />//11/01 <br /> <br />11-31 <br /> <br />Page 3/.. <br /> <br />/ <br /> <br />Description of Reques! (also inclu~e 3 etter explained the prOject: <br /> <br />WJ-. ~ ;6 ~ 0-. "",..".t...~ ~ <br />~ ~~I~""f'.";"'~~ <br />tL.:l--~""JW'L-)d~~ A~_~~~~ <br />~_ Ik~~~~_r>d~~ <br /> <br />~~ffi~iE:;E/~ . <br />~:f:;-;:::t~~ -- -~ <br />A~ L~;t:i:l~~Ji ~{::; {; P t; <br />~~- <br /> <br />FllIna ReQuirements and Payment of Fees <br /> <br />The City requests that you mak~ .a pfe.application meeting with the City Planner to discuss Itle <br />applicallon process, requirement,.: and deadltnes, The undersigned acknowledges that sheil1e <br />unOerstands that before this request can be considered. at! req-.;iroo infurmation and fees (Including all <br />deposits) must be paid to the City m advance. If additional fees are required to cover costs lilCUfTed by <br />the City, the City Planner has he right to recuire additiona' payment from one or moe of tM <br />undersign6d, who shall be joi'1tiy liable for sech fees. Such expenses may include (but are no!l,mited to) <br />o"'-{ city payroll and overhead costs, faes paid to consultancs and olher professionais, ood the cost of <br />~ 19. mailing and supplIes. The City may withhold final action on a :and use appUca,Ion and/or rescind <br />pnor action until all miscellaneous fees have been paid. Applicants are advisad t~at an escrow depesit is <br />required at the lime of the sub" ittal of the Land Use Application te offset costs associated with the <br />propos.d project. <br /> <br />Required Submittal Information <br /> <br />The City of Arden Hill. requires the submi;rai of a certiFlfJd land survey acd site plan(s) lor all deJelopment <br />protects In tne Cfty. True and accurate re:prQ~nt.atian of the requirements outlined in the proclttdural <br />form for the specified type of request is the responsibility of the applicant The City fequ',rss five <br />(5) large scale copies, folded In sets no larger than 8 Yi' x t4" with the print side facing out plus fifty (50) <br />copies of 11' X 17' reductions of ail pions. Mailing labels of all properties within 350 f..el of the <br />property are requIred wIth this applicatiofl. il-Jis in(ormatfon may be obtafned from Ramsey Ccunt~! <br /> <br />Comoletellncomplete APplications <br /> <br />An incomplate appl:caUon wij' daray tna processing of land Lise requests:. Thoe application approval ti'lle <br />commences and an applic;atiJfi is cOB~lde{ed officiall). file<.f when the City PJann~r f183 received and <br />examined the application ard detenn';1sd IVat the application is complete. The deosion V{hethe~ the <br />ar-pUcBtion is complete or i~complet8 "i:lafl 'J~. mi.iCe within ten (10) b'-.isiness days foflowing t;-;e :;.>ubm1lal <br />of the appHcatlon. When the applicatiGil ie c'a;'-HT,ed to be "complete" it shah :,e placed on the agan ja of <br />thd first possible Planning Commission meethg occurring at leas~ thirty (30) days from the cate of orr;,ci81 <br />Submission of the applicatIon. <br /> <br />\P~e2of3 <br />