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<br />ROBERT L HOFFMAN <br />I3ERALDM.FRlEDEll <br />EOWAROJ.DAl&COlL <br />JOt<ND_FlA1.~ER: <br />FIV>.NK I. HARYEY <br />CHARLES So. MODEll <br />. CHRlSTOPH€RJ.D1ET~ <br />llJ'.O'\ H. FlSKEA <br />mOMAS?_STOlTh.lI\I'l <br />I.llCHAflC..JACKM.I.H <br />JOHNIE.D1EI-l. <br />JONS.SWIEAZEWSKI <br />THOMASJ_fl.'fN'l <br />JAAESp.aUINN <br />TOCO I. rnEEWW <br />GERAlD L SECK <br />JOHNG.Ub>IXlUI5T <br />DAYlE NOLAH " <br />.lOHNACOTTER" <br />?AUl8.PlUHI(ETT <br />K4llilEENM-PlOOTTENeNMP.N <br />(JRJ;GOl'l,YE. KORS'fNl <br />GAAY A. VAN CLEVE" <br />TIMOTliYJ.KVt.NE <br />"IICw.a.W.SCHLEY <br />TEFl.RENCEE.EIjSH~ <br />GAAYAFlENNEPCE <br />CHRI$TCiPHEflJ.HARAJSTtw... <br />Kl'NOEu.ol-n.ROGGe <br />~J.OOllmAS <br />W\u'I.AJ.! C. GAIFFrTli, JR <br />JDHNRHIll. <br />f'ETERJ.COYlE <br />1.AARr' O. IMAM <br />JANE E. 8REMER <br />JOHII J. STUFENHAGEN <br />M10-L0.ElJ_SMllli <br />ANOfl.EW F. PERRIN <br />FR:EQEAlCKW.NIEEl'JI-oIR <br /> <br />LARKIN, HOFFMAN, DALY & LINDGREN, LTD. <br />ATTORNEYS AT LAW <br /> <br />v 2002 <br /> <br />WlU.lAMG.Tt-lORNTON <br />DOUOlAS M. RAM.tR <br />LYNN....srAAKO\f!CH <br />STEPI'lENJ.KAAlINSKl <br />THOM/\SF,~ <br />DAHlE\.. T.KAOl.EC <br />~S.HUliTA" <br />l<ENNEl"HCOREHDSTRDM <br />fo/IIN"'-,,",YER <br />,lAMl:SM.SUSAG" <br />CNIlElJ.BALUNTINE <br />JEF1'REYO.CAHlLL <br />SEAAO.KEUY <br />.IO&EPHJ.FITT/lHTE,JR <br />TKOMASJ.OPPOLOo' <br />JONATHANJ.FOGEL <br />"""'"'~~ <br />t.lARKO.CHRISTClf'HERSOO. <br />NEALJ.l!lANCHm <br />TAMARAO'NEIU.MOREL.AHO <br />JAIoESA.hlCGREEVY,lr <br />THOWISA.GL.M>" <br />TOOO "'" T'<'YLOR <br />OiRl$TOPHERJ. DEIKE <br />GENEVlEVEA.l1ECK <br />.....~ '""" <br />~M.BENSON <br />JEAl:flAYC.ST1ER <br />.,lONoIC, IrolOBEOO <br />CHRlSM.HEFFEl.EIOYVER <br />MlCWl.ELfIo.ESSlEN <br />"''''''"'''- <br />J.o.uESP.~N" <br />JACl(F.DALY <br />O.KlENNET!l.UNDGRlON <br />AlSO,o.oM:TTEOINWl$CON$lN <br />.. ONLYADMlTTEOlN'l:NJA <br /> <br />1500 WELlS FARGO PlAZA <br />7900 XERXES AVENUE SOUTH <br />MINNEAPOliS, MINNESOTA 55431..1194 <br />TELEPHONE (952) 835-3800 <br />FA:;( (952) 896-3333 <br /> <br />August 5,2002 <br /> <br />Mr. Joseph Lynch <br />City Administrator <br />City of Arden Hills <br />1245 West Highway 96 <br />Arden Hills, Minnesota 55112 <br /> <br />.Re: <br /> <br />TCAAP Representation of City of Arden Hills <br /> <br />Dear Joe: <br /> <br />Our firm will represent the City of Arden HiUs, Minnesota in conneetion with a proposal to "excess" the <br />so-called TCAAP property to the City for redevelopment. Our engagement will be limited to consulting <br />with the City on government affairs matters relating to the federal government's TCAAP decision process <br />in order to obtain control of the desired land area in a timely fashion. More specifically, we will assist in <br />developing support for the City from elected officials at the federal and state levels, including Rep. Betty <br />McCollum, Sen. Mark Dayton and key state legislative and state agency leaders, as necessary. The <br />pending election campaign, coupled with legislative redistricting, produces some uncertainty about which <br />legislative and ageney leaders to engage at this time. <br /> <br />Our services in this matter will be provided on an hourly basis at our normal rates. Chris Dietzen's hourly <br />rate for 2002 is $300.00 per hour. Peter Coyle's hourly rate for 2002 is $260.00 per hour. These rates are <br />subject to adjustment periodically. Associate and paralegal rates range from $85.00 per hour to $220.00 <br />per hour. Our projected budget for 2002 is $35,000; for 2003, we projeet a budget of $50,000. The actual <br />expenditure for legal fees will depend on tasks we undertake in support of the City and its proposed <br />developers. Weare not including legal work relating to environmental issues in our estimate of fees. <br />Should we be requested to provide such assistance, we will separately confirm the work with an estimate <br />of fees. In addition to our legal fees, the City will be responsible for our out-of-pocket costs for items <br />such as photocopies, couriers, mileage, airfare, hotel, etc. Weare not anticipating out-of-town travel at <br />this time. <br /> <br />. Thank you for the opportunity to advise the City on this important matter. <br />