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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />KICKOFF MEETING <br />AGENDA <br />TCAAP PHASE I ESA <br /> <br />I) Introduction <br />a) People Present and Responsibilities <br />b) Plexus Support to BRAC Office <br />c) Plexus Experience <br /> <br />2) BRAC/GSA <br />a) Function and Goal ofESA <br />i) Schedule <br />b) Catering of the Report and Data Base to meet GSA's needs <br /> <br />3) TCAAP ESA <br />a) Document and Historical review <br />i) National Archives <br />ii) Data Base Search <br />iii)AEC <br />iv) CHPPM <br />v) TCAAP Files <br />vi) OSC Historian <br />vii) USEP NPCA Records <br />b) Site Reconnaissance <br />i) Three 2 person teams <br />ii) Site walks and Photographic logs <br />iii) Interviews <br />c) Phase II Recommendations <br />d) Draft and Final Report <br /> <br />4) Questions and Recommendations <br />