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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - SEPTEMBER 4, 2002 <br /> <br />8 <br /> <br />the neighboring property because a berm was added and he would want a signed release <br />from each of the neighbors. <br /> <br />Mr. Parrish replied the City would not allow a berm due to the impact on the drainage. <br /> <br />Chair Sand if they were limited to dealing with the amendments or were they at liberty to <br />address the entire site plan. Mr. Parrish replied they could address the entire site plan. <br />He stated if applicant was unhappy with the Commissioners suggestions, they could <br />withdraw their proposal and the previous approved plan would stand. <br /> <br />Chair Sand closed the public hearing at 9:03 p.m. <br /> <br />Commissioner Ricke moved, seconded by Commissioner Smithknecht, to deny Planning <br />Case #02-20, Aaron S. Nelson, 3475 Siems Court, Planned Unit Development <br />Amendment because the new plan was not consistent with the standards that were in the <br />neighborhood business zoning requirement, it was not as aesthetically pleasing as the <br />previous plan, the decks invaded the privacy ,of the neighbors, and the proposed <br />amendment is not equal to or better than the previously approved plan. <br /> <br />Commissioner Lemberg noted that this building would not be any higher than a two-story <br />home. <br /> <br />Chair Sand expressed concern that this has been a vacant land for a long time and he <br />stated they did not have any alternatives ifthey did not accept this development, except to <br />leave it vacant. He stated he did not want to see this land remain vacant. He stated this <br />was a gateway comer and he wanted to see more buffering from the north and east. He <br />stated he wanted to see more trees planted along both borders. He expressed concern that <br />if they did not approve this, the land would remain vacant and this would not be a good <br />situation for the City. <br /> <br />Commissioner Lemberg suggested they push the building farther south and west, which <br />would allow for additional landscaping. Mr. Nelson replied there was a possibility of <br />moving the building four feet further to the south, depending on what they discovered <br />with the soil. With respect to moving it farther to the west, they needed that space to <br />meet the parking requirements and to buffer the parking area. He stated they had spent a <br />lot of money looking at many different designs and this was a compromise that seemed to <br />work well for the site. <br /> <br />Commissioner Zimmerman stated even though this was a PUD, the basic underlying <br />district was a neighborhood business district and stated they needed to try to make their <br />developments as consistent and fair to the neighborhood as possible following the <br />Ordinances. He expressed concern about the buffer zone. <br /> <br />The motion failed 2-4 (Ayes: Commissioners Ricke and Smithknecht. <br />Commissioners Lemberg, Bezdicek, Zimmerman and Chair Sand.) <br /> <br />Nays: <br /> <br />Commissioner Zimmerman moved, seconded by Commissioner Lemberg, to approve <br />Planning Case #02-20, Aaron S. Nelson, 3475 Siems Court, Planned Unit Development <br />Amendment with following recommendations: <br />