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<br />The proposed costs for calendar year ~ are as set forth in the <br /> <br />19.85.- 3ude;et Estimate, ;>repared b~! the County, ;.rr;.ich is attached hereto <br /> <br />and r1ade a part hereof as F.xhibit "A". Costs as used nerein shall not <br /> <br />include ite~s of ex~ense attributable to Rervices or facilities nornelly <br />provided or available to all cities within the County as part of the <br /> <br />County's ohli~ation to enforce State law. <br /> <br />Actual computation of applicable costs hereunder shall oe made oy <br /> <br />the 2ansey County Budget and Accounting office based on information provided <br /> <br />oy the Sheriff and pa:nnent therefor shall be made b:r the municipality on the <br />County's mont~ly statement. <br /> <br />An estilnate of said cost s for 1985 , and for succeedin~ years in the <br /> <br />event this a~reement is extended, shall be furnished bv the County to the <br /> <br />municipality no less than one ~onth prior to the corr~encement of t~e contract <br /> <br />term. Said estimate shall be made for the limited ~urpose of better enablin~ <br /> <br />the munici~alit:r to estimate its bud;set. It is understood by th.e narties to <br /> <br />this agreement said estimates shall in no way prevent the County from <br />Charging its actual costs. <br /> <br />8. It is understood that nrosecutions for violations of ordinance <br /> <br />or state statute, together vith dis?osition of all fines collected ~ur5uant <br />thereto, shall be in accordance with the ?&~5ey ~ounty ~tunicinal Court ~ct~ <br />.'innesota Statute, Ctapter 488.'~. <br /> <br />a ~~e RaM~ey County S~erif~'s office s~al1 3ut~it to the <br /> <br />"u.'1icipalit;r montH:r activit,! report. detailirl": th.e activities of t;,,, <br />Sheriff's office wit~in th.e City. Said reports shall contain at least t~e <br />followin~ information: ~~iles patrolled, hours ,atrolled, n~~~er of calls <br /> <br />ans~ered, number of tickets issueda <br /> <br />-4- <br />