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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />~he proposec costs for caler.dar year 1985 are as set !orth in the <br /> <br />~ ~d.set ::stimate, ?repared by the County, T.,1:ic~~ is attac~ed hereto <br /> <br />and ~ad~ a nart her'=!of as T'x::ibit .)...... Costs as used ~erein shall not <br /> <br />include ite~s ot ex~ense attri~utable to ~ervices or facili~i~s r.ornally <br /> <br />?rovided or available to all cities ~ithin the County as part of the <br /> <br />County's obli~ation to enforce State lav. <br /> <br />Actual computation of a~nlicable costs hereunder shall be made ~y <br /> <br />tile ":B.l:lse:: Count:r ~d!,:et and Accountine; office based on information provided <br /> <br />by the Sheriff and pa:nnent therefor shall be made n.' the municinality or. t~e <br /> <br />County's ~ont~ly state~ent. <br /> <br />An est~ate of said costs ~or 1985 ~ and for succeedin~ years in t~~ <br />-. <br /> <br />event this a~reernent is extended, shall be furnished bv the County to the <br /> <br />~unici~ality no less than one nonth nrior to L~e commenceTIer.t or t~e contract <br /> <br />term. Said estimate shall be made for the limited nurnose of better enablin~ <br /> <br />the ",-unicinalit;r to esti"'-ate its tudF'"et. It i.s u"derstood by the narties to <br /> <br />this agreenent that said estimates shall in no way prevent the County fron <br /> <br />charginF'" its actual costs. <br /> <br />S. It is understood that nrosecutions for violations of ordinance <br /> <br />or state statute, to~ether vith disposition of all fines collected nursuant <br /> <br />thereto, s~e.l1 ~e in accordance vi t~ t~e ?amsey- ~ount~! ....un: ci nal ('ourt .~.ct, <br /> <br />"!inneso'ta Statute, C1:apter 488.~_. <br /> <br />j ~e Pa~sev Countv ~~erif~'5 office shal2 su~~it to t~e <br /> <br />'~tl:1ici?alit:." ~ont::ly activit;r re?O~5 detailir.e t!:.e activities o! t~~ <br /> <br />Sheriff's office wit~in t~e City. Said re?Qrts shall contain at least t~e <br /> <br />fol1~~ir.g in~o~ation: !~iles ~atrolled, hours ~atrolled~ n~~er of cells <br /> <br />ansftered, numop.r of ti~kets issued. <br /> <br />-11_ <br />