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<br />. <br /> <br />: <br /> <br />more effective and efficient development of the <br />lands wi thin the area formerly serviced by said <br />County Ditch No. 12 and to remove as an encum- <br />brance of record the easements created for said <br />Ditch. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />(b) The lands and property assessed for the benefits <br />of said County Ditch No. 12 are situated in the <br />County of Ramsey, and in the municipalities of the <br />City of Arden Hills and the City of Shoreviewand <br />are more fully described upon Exhibit A attached <br />hereto and made a part hereof. <br /> <br />(c) The entire area serviced by said County Ditch No. <br />12 within the Rice Creek Watershed District shall <br />be affected, more particularly those areas upon <br />which the easement for said County Ditch No. 12 <br />has been created as shown upon the map of said <br />County Ditch No. 12 attached hereto as Exhibit B <br />and made a part hereof. <br /> <br />(d) The need and necessity for such abandonment is <br />that said County Ditch No. 12 is no longer of <br />public benefit and utility to the lands formerly <br />served thereby and that said Ditch has ceased to <br />function and its restoration is not practical by <br />reason of the completion of major storm sewer <br />systems as 'established by the municipalities <br />serving said lands. The continued presence of the <br />easement for said Ditch has become an impediment <br />to the further productive development of the lands <br />upon which said easement is iocated. <br /> <br />(e) The abandonment of said County Ditch No. 12 will <br />be condusive to public health, covenience, and <br />welfare, including without limitation the removal <br />of the easement thereof from those locations <br />throughout the lands described upon said Exhibit A <br />where permanent buildings and other improvements <br />have been erected upon said unused easement, where <br />unmaintained portions or segments of said ditch <br />without inlets or outlets continue to exist, and <br />where new development and improvement within the <br />municipalities is deterred by reason of. the <br />existence of the ditch easement upon proposed <br />development sites. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />- 2 - <br />