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<br />'.' <br /> <br />..,. <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />....' <br /> <br />v. l':1is u.bree:n~n:., \L:i::. T.:le ri..~:lt3 fU::: ?:;i';ile;;es ~erein <br />:.;ra.n'tcd, 3nllll :>€ SU;)jcct.. :'0 ca..'1cellu.tio:1 or <br />only ':)~r .:..:LU :.ual u;-;ree:u.e.n:. ;:)1' ~.'1.e ?u.r ci e::; I or in "L.16 event. <br />tne torms ani conlition5 hereof are no:' :'~lrillc~, or in <br />tne 6\rent tne Jovern..--nen't abandons use 01' 'tae premises <br />for t;le purposes nerein ~re.n1;:.ed. In ei tner of tne latter <br />tV/o events. cancellation may :)6 efre~t.ed 'oy eitner ptirty <br />hc:r-e'to ...p::ln t.1.irty (3J) days' writt.en !lotice t.o toe ot!; <br />aod upon t~e ex?ir~"ion of s~id tuirty (30) days after <br />service 01' such notice. tnls ti.breement o.nd the ri ghts ll...'1d <br />privile~es nereoy br~ted, as well as the obliga"ions <br />hereoy imposed U?o~ tne p~rties, shall absolutely cease <br />and de ter-mine. <br /> <br />.......;..;.;,,:. <br /> <br />,,;.~~~ <br /> <br />VI. Tile Governmen~ hore"oj covenants a.'1:1 F.l.~rees th~tJ on or <br />before t!le termination of tilis licenseJ it will re;nove <br />su.i:i installations an:! the t:.p?'"C€::l8.." oonnected. tnerewi th <br />from tae ?re~iSe5 of t~e Lice~sor and restore suid premises <br />to t~e condition existins at the ti~e Dr'e~tering upon <br />the swne u::lder this license J reasona'~le e.=.:i ord.ine.ry wear <br />and tee..r and riU.:U.l08S by tne eleme~ts or oy circ...,~..."'!lst~nces <br />over wnich tae }over~ne~t has no cont~ol excepted. <br /> <br />'"...,..,:::,,: <br />---- <br /> <br />;~;.~.~ <br /> <br />.~ <br /> <br />..---.".... <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />..;;?:~t <br /> <br />VII. All ex?enii tures to be maie 'uy tile :;'o-.rerIl;.llent under tile' <br />provisions of t~1is agreement shall ":;e subject to appropria- <br />tions beinG I=.Lvaila:>le i'or t:1e pur?ose. <br /> <br />"'_.'.~.:.. ~ <br /> <br />VIII. Uo :n.e.'Iloer of or d.ele€;s..te to Congress or resi:ient commissioner <br />shall be admittej to any snare O~ part of tnis agreement <br />any benei'i t t'J arise tn.erefro;n. Notnint,J :nowever I nerein <br />contained shall be construe~ to exte~~ to any i~~or?orated <br />cO.:Lpany if tne aGree.:"oent De l'or the {;e!lero.l benefit 01' such <br />cor?ora~io~ or company. <br /> <br />"~ ", <br /> <br />. ., ~ :., <br /> <br />I~ i;ITNZSS ~nEREO?, tne parties nereto nave caused this <br />a~reement to oe properly executed by tneir duly autnorized representative as <br />of ttle day a.nd ye ar 1'i rs t a.bove "iri "cten. <br /> <br />!~C~oo ffor ~\p:n:"cvul <br />, - <br />!1.~ u.ty of' ~1~ l~S,. <br /><. I <br /> <br /> <br />:~:"r:!.~c d C'"",J:;~': ,-,,':'~':;,;:.;';.; 'r", <br /> <br />_'? <br /> <br />ATTEST: r:;; <br />r 17 /;1 /): <br />/~~ lyJ , /f,.~ <br />. . :~4:"'C-::;-e~&"e't'a;'t.v <br />i,.;~...:::li:"'J I..uzi to! <br /> <br />'y.. ~. :::::::: <br />i ".;s v JJ!!o.. ,~ li'{ <br /> <br />Ol'-RD Or <br />'P" \3 ,\C~:, 1.9- <br />\l\~\.2.3-~ <br /> <br />'?BO\} [0 <br />p..'?,- <br />. '-\' i'':>' <br />.";,)\0..)\ ..... <br />CO\\,'\~\\~ <br /> <br />U~'Ir~~ S'.....~c o~ ....--o,rpA . <br />b: ~u ~~J' _ <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />\,1 T~ISSS~S: <br /> <br />Go~: :'.::::-:: ~:!":..:. :.c';,". <br /> <br />Rank <br /> <br />Lt. (:',0-'. <br /> <br />org" <br /> <br />c().,.......~. <br /> <br />..... ~.~ :-.e::>~ <br /> <br />Co~tractinb Officer. <br /> <br />T ';Qrob~' c:e....ol.i""'---~ ...~4b.. "'0 ~\..,. ';"1'''.1<. 0'" ,--, \ <br />. . .' ...... -J ~.~;;......., ... -..... .........IIO\.r .. fi\:.' .l..UJJOi""o{.;:,E;O <br />u2><m o~o:'Vl).t.ion ::.nd ~n,'ui:"y <br />t::ia. c-=U~;Qut !'or -:'00 C~L..~lty ~r ~;~CJ~ :a~Q ~i.:;. !,..;I.~';T':" 1.:j.' <br />~d :.a thD 1::.cUrldUD.l who a1[";:).3 :rit.d.lsr contr~cta <br />oi' l'.~::.JJC::-J ..::i t.h tho puu..lic be~I"'&ll:,r. <br /> <br />".lJd b31bt. ~~l>d <br />'tmo c1~C!:ti <br />":",0 ClXCKJU..t;.f;) too :.l!:l..3$.. <br />001",11' of Lbo COlln~y <br /> <br />;-~~ <br /> <br />.:c..o.crc.ct:.1tL(,: \)l.'~ ic&r <br />