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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />i <br />I. <br />i <br />I <br />/ <br /> <br />......T.:. <br /> <br />:~:0,::: <br />~5 <br /> <br />";';":".,,: <br />"'--,. <br />'>-;.~i::'"'i-;: <br /> <br />'. <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />~ <br />:;,~ <br /> <br />Jill <br /> <br />::~1~ <br /> <br />.,; <br />.. <br /> <br />-.....' , <br />'::;R~ <br /> <br />'.~.'~' <br /> <br />:<i~~ <br /> <br />~lf~~; <br /> <br />_;:"~'t. <br />.~~~ <br /> <br />~J?~ <br /> <br /> <br />~ <br />.~-= <br /> <br />'.....,.....<'...~ <br /> <br />", .;' ~',' ~ ....... ~. <br /> <br />.:~...; .....,._.,...."?;......-..-.. .--, <br /> <br />-, <br /> <br />( <br /> <br />("- <br /> <br />~---....' <br /> <br />v. Tnis t:l.~ree:nen":., wi't:'l t:1C ri";:1ts fu::l. privile.;es :'le,ein <br />;rantc~, 300.11 ~e su~jcet ".;:.;:l 08...'1::;e11I.1tio:; or ter:n.ina't.ion <br />only:):,. :J.lJ.,:ual l:J.i;ree;lIent ;J1 t:1e ;H.l.r'::.ies, or in "Cne event <br />t:le tcr;ns un:!. co1'.Ji ti;:lns hereof are no'";; i'ulfillc:i, or -in <br />tne event tne Govern.:nent a'oe.ndons tne use of tHe pr61nises <br />for tne purposes nerein ;ranted. 1::l eitner of toe latter <br />two events, cW1cellation m'!!'Y De effected 'oy either part-l <br />o.ere1;.o up:ln t.1.irty (3el) days' written notice to toe ot:ner; <br />~d upo~ tae ex?ir~tion of said tnirty (30) days afte, <br />service of such notice, tnis abreement and the ri~hts end <br />privileges nereoy bnmted, as well as the obligatio:J.s <br />hereby imposed. upon toe parties, snaIl absolutely cease <br />Ilnd determine. <br /> <br />VI. Tns Government hereoy covena:J.ts an1 ~brees that, on ~r <br />before tile termination of t.his license, it '\","ill re:nove <br />slii.:. instlllle:tions an:i the Eipp~rtena."'lces connected there\'ritn <br />from t~e ?re~ises of t~e Lice~sor and restore s~id premises <br />to tns co~ditioD existiD~ at the ti~e of e~tering ~?o~ <br />-the stJ..":'l.S under tbis license, reasonaole e.::.:i ordinary wear <br />ana. te9.r and d!l:';es by tne elements or by circu.~ste..ncss <br />over Vlnieh tile }overnment :'las no c::lntrol excepted. <br /> <br />V1.1. .....11 ex?sn:ii t'\lres to be ma;ie oy t:ns Govern.nsat. under 1::ne <br />?Tovisions of t~is agreement shall ~e subject to appropria- <br />tions beinb ~vaila~le for tne p~.pose. <br /> <br />VIII. lIo ::Jem:,er of or delegate to Conp"ess or resident commissioner <br />shall be a2~ittedto any s~are or part of tnis agreement or to <br />any be:::::\.ei'it to;) arise therefro:n. NottlinG, rlO"/'lever, herein <br />cowtained shall be c~nstrued to exte~d to;) any i~corporated <br />co~pany if the abreement De for the general oenefit of such <br />cor?ora~io~ or company. <br /> <br />IN -faTNESS '~in!;;itEO:, t~e parties .hereto have caused this <br />a~reement to De properly executed by trieir duly autnorized representative as <br />of t:J.e day and year fi rst above y,Ti tten. <br /> <br />VILLAGE 01' IlWo DHI=C!I <br />by O/./? K c--~~ <br /> <br />its <br /> <br />lJayor <br /> <br />AT'rEST: <br /> <br />M~ <br />. . it., C~::...~;:. ',..toO' r ...uu,m:~5l' <br /> <br />u:n TED <br /> <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />r.1 T:n::SSi:s: <br /> <br />'oy <br /> <br />G-o:"c-on 3ri t tOj;, <br /> <br />oq;. CO!'-:)$ C:: ~::'.:::~7',e-=: <br /> <br />Rank <br /> <br />Lt. Col. <br /> <br />Contractin5 Officer. <br /> <br />! heMby oer1;1fy th1>t. to the belli; of 't1:Y knowl.&do,'"" on'" beU.!'. ba.O<I <br />upon observe-tion n;nd 1nqu.1ry =0 Blsned <br />this: cantrnot for the Villac:o ci' lart llrib~~':;UD tlad 1lU't..llOn.:ty 'to oxecute tho <br />&e.n-.c" n.nd 18 the inc!.1 vidual ltho 1J1bI18 G~lar CClIl.tracta on behc..lf of tho <br />Vlll~ce of ~"" lJrighton nth U>o publio cenoralJ<r. <br /> <br />C,;cutrUC1>1n{;. U1'1'iocr <br /> <br />B 2.f7L <br /> <br /> <br />