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<br />E:f-\\-,r;,'l C <br />Lease for Pull-Tab, Paddlewheel, Tipboard, and/or Raffle Activity - LG221 . <br /> <br />I LESSOR PROHIBITIONS I agents are found to be solely 4. The lessor shall not modify or <br />Management of Gambling responsible for any illegal gambling terminate this lease in whole or in part <br />Prohibited conducted at that site that is due to the lessor's violation of thetlt <br />prohibited by Minnesota Rules, part provisions listed on this lease. <br />The owner of the premises orthe lessor 7861.0050, subpart 1, or Minnesota <br />will not manage the conduct of gambling Statutes, section 609.75, unless the Arbitration Process <br />atthe premises. organization's agents responsible for The lessor agrees to arbitration when a <br />Participation as Players Prohibited the illegal gambling activity are also violation of these lease provisions is <br />agents or employees of the lessor. alleged. The arbitrator shall be the CRG. <br />The lessor, the lessor's immediate family, <br />and any agents or gambling employees 4. The lessor shall not modify or I I <br />of the lessor will not participate as players terminate the lease in whole or in part ACCESS TO PERMITTED PREMISES <br />'th d t f I wf I bl' th because the organization reported to <br />In e con uc 0 a u gam Ing on e a state or local law enforcement State of Minnesota and Law <br />premises: authority or the board the occurrence Enforcement <br />Illegal Gambling atthe site of illegal gambling activity The board and its agents, the <br />1. The lessor is aware oflhe prohibition in which the organization did not. commissioners of revenue and public <br />againstillegal gambling in Minnesota participate. safety and their agents, and law <br />Statutes, section 609.75, and the Other Prohibitions enforcement personnel have access to <br />penalties for Illegal gambling the permitted premises at any' <br />violations in Minnesota Rules, part 1. The lessor will not impose restrictions reasonable time during the business <br />7861.0050, subpart 3. on the organization with respect to hours of the lessor. <br />providers (distributors) of gambling- <br />2. To the best of the lessor's knowledge, related equipment and services or in Organization <br />the lessor affirms that any and all the use of net profils for lawful The organization has access to the <br />games or devices located on the purposes. permitted premises during any time <br />premises are not being used, and are reasonabie and when necessary for the <br />not capable of used, in a 2. The lessor, the lessor's immediate d f I f I bl' <br />f.1 d t I con uct o. aw u gam Ing on ,the <br />manner that violates the prohibitions ami y, an anyagen s or emp oyees premises. <br />against illegal gambling in Minnesota of the lessor will not require the <br />Statutes, section 609.75, and the organization to perform any action I LESSOR RECORDS MAINTAINED 1_ <br />penalties for illegal gambling that would violate statute or rule. . <br />violations in Minnesota Rules, part 3. If there isa dispute as to whether any The lessors.hall maintain a reco~d o.fall . <br />7861.0050, subpart 3. . of these lease provisions have been money received from the organozatlon, . <br />and make the record available to the . <br />3 Notwl'thstandl'ng MI'nnesota Rules, violated, the lease will remain in effect d d. h ., <br />. d' I .' b h boar an its agents, t e commissioners <br />part 7861.0050, subp. 3, an pen Ing a fina determination Y t e f d bl' f d th . <br />C r R' G (CRG) f 0 revenue an pu IC sa ety an elr <br />organization must continue making omp lance eVlew roup 0 agents upon demand. The record shall <br />rent payments, pursuant to the terms the Gambling Control Board. be maintained for a period of 3-1/2 years. <br />of the lease, if the organization or its <br /> <br />'~1-. <br /> <br />.' <br /> <br />OTHER OBLIGATIONS AND AGREEMENTS - Attachment <br />All obligations and agreements between the organization and the lessor are contained in or attached to this lease. <br />(Attach additional sheets if necessary. Any attachments to this lease must be dated and signed by both the lessor and <br />the lessee.) <br />il'ri"b' IlA" main floor nian (attached) and Exhibit liB" Binno Hall <br />., X-J. lt I..... ','t' I) made a nart of this lease <br />R\ll'es ""a t tached are <br />,.. .,' . <br /> <br />This lease is the total and only agreement between the lessor and the organization conducting lawful gambling activities <br />other than bingo and pull-tab dispensing devices. There is no other agreement and no other consideration required between <br />the parties as to the lawful 9ambling and other matters related to this lea Any changes in this lease will be submitted to" <br />thllq,ambling Control Board ten days prior to the effective date of the an e. . ., <br /> <br /> <br />..; <br /> <br /> <br />Sig~,~~~~~$!.~;~.~sor <br /> <br />Goi-ii']j(g'.;.K. Siedow-Owner & <br />Print Name and Title of Lessor <br /> <br />Alta Bordeaux, President <br />Print Name and Title 01 Lessee j " <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />fjl';.."_t0!;.<.:" <br /> <br />.;.., <br /> <br />Page 2 012 <br />1199 <br />! <br /> <br />"!'..',. <br />'~:':0~t,~~:::- <br />,\ill~;;,.,~.r <br />';'';'Illi.::\~ <br /> <br />'~,i-~~~,' <br />