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<br />. <br /> <br />FU~THEA ,.ROVlstON$ <br />RESOLVE FURTHER. That the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary sha!1 certify to lha Bank the names and signatures (~thef actual or any form or forms of fac- <br />simIle or mechanical signatures adopted by the person authorized to sign) of the persons who presently are duly elected, qualified and acting as the officer or officers <br />named in subparagraph (a) above, or any person named in subparagraph (b} above, or of any officer or person designated as authorized to sign in accordance with <br />subparagraph (c) above, whichever of these subparagraphs may be applicable. as well as the names and signatures of all other oHicers and persons authorized to <br />act on behalf of this corporation und&r these resolutions. and the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary shall from lime to time hereafter, upon a Change in the facts <br />so certified, immediately certify to the Bank the names and signatures factual or facsimile) of the oHicers or persons then authorized to sign or to act, the Bank shall <br />be tully protected in relying on such certificates and on the obligation of the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary (set forth above) to immediately certify 10 the Bank <br />any Change in an.,. facts so certified, and the Bank shall be indemnified and saved harmless by this corporation from any claims, demands, expenses, loss or damage <br />resulting from or growing aut of honoring or relying on the signature or other authOfity (whether or not properly used and, in the case 01 any facsimile signature, regardless <br />of when or by whom or by what means such signature may ha....e been made or affixed) 0' any officer or person whose name and signature was so certified, or refusing <br />to honor any signature or authority not so certified. <br /> <br />RESOLVED FURTHER, That these resolutions shall continue in Jorce until express written notice of their rescission or modification has been furnished 10 and <br />recei....ed by the Bank. <br />RESOLVED FURTHER, ThaI any and a!ltransactions by or in behalf oj this corporation with tM Bank prior to the adoption of this resolution (whether inVOlving <br />deposits, withdrawals, rediscounts or borrowings, or otherwise) be and the same hereby am in aU respects ratified, approved and confirmed <br /> <br />I further certify that the Board of Directors of said corporal ion has, and at the lime of adoption of said reSOlutions had, full power and lawful authority to adopt the <br />foregoing resolulions and to confer the powers thefein granted to the persons named, and that such persons have full power and authority to exercise the same, <br />I further certify that the officers whose names appear below have been duly elected to and now hold the offices in this corporation set opposite their respective names, <br />and lhe signatures appearing opposite their names are the authentic, official signaturas of the said respective officers and of the named signatures who are not corporate officers <br /> <br />111 Witness Wh.ereof, 1 have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of this corporation <br /> <br />this 6th <br /> <br />day of Janua~ <br /> <br />~~ <br /> <br />X$BCOIDlQJXX <br />Fritsinger, City Administrator <br /> <br />19..2!L <br /> <br />Terrance <br /> <br />Attest By One Other Officer <br />R. Postt Treasurer <br /> <br />Brian <br /> <br />i& Checking [j Sa....ings <br />General 180192015071 <br />Account Title P;:Jyr()ll Account Number 180192002525 <br />The signature of each person authorized to sign the account s;gnlfies agreement that the account is subject to all applicable rules and regulations governing bank <br />accounts as may be amended from time to time. These rules are available in the bank lobby upon request of the depositor at any time. All signers acknowledge receipt <br />of a copy of the Bank's rules and regulations, <br />. <br /> <br />'_ Cer!iticale <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />AUTHORIZED SIGNERS <br /> <br /> <br />CIS INFORMATION <br /> <br />NAMEfflTLE (If Any) <br /> <br />Dennis Probst/Mayor <br /> <br />Dale Hicks/Acting Mayor <br /> <br /> <br />,",.. '""""'0"1"', "m'm'n'"""n~~ . <br /> <br />Terrance Post/City Treasurer __________~ ~ <br /> <br />REQUEST FOR FEDERAL TAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER <br />I HAVE RECEIVED AND READ AN INSTRUCTION SHEET BEFOAE COMPLETING BELOW. UNDER PENALTIES OF PERJURY I CERTIFY THAT: <br /> <br /> A. <br /> B. <br /> c. <br />. D. <br /> <br />THE NUMBER SHOWN ON LINE 0 OF THIS FORM IS MY CORRECT TAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER. <br />I AM NOT SUBJECT TO BACKUP WITHHOLDING AS A RESULT OF FAILURE TO REPORT ALL INTEREST OR DiViDENDS SINCE <br />I HAVE NOT BEEN NOTIFIED I AM SUBJECT TO OR HAVE BEEN NOTIFIED I AM NO LONGER SUBJECT TO BACKUP WITHHOLDING <br />BY THE INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE. (IF YOU CANNOT CERTIFY THIS, CROSS UT STATEMENT B.) IV'l <br />I AM AN EXEMPT CUSTOMER AS LISTED IN THE~NSTR TION SHEET., CHECK BOX ~ <br />(COMPLETE LINE 0) / <br /> <br />41-6008992 ~ ~. 1/6/98 <br /> <br />SOCIAL SECURITY NO. OR EMPLOYER 1.0, NO SIGNATURE DATE <br /> <br /> <br />ACCOUNT OFFICER <br /> <br />065-0009 (03-96A) <br />