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<br />8) eeMce _resullilg from the eflecIs of emsioo. cooosioo. aci:J cleaning, or <br />damage from II1OXpOCled or espeOOly severe freezing weather thai is beyood what is <br />prevented by JCI', normal manleM1ce; <br />9) worI< caJSOd by "'l' op<ralion of, adjJsIments 10, or repar 10, Covered Equipment <br />by oIh... nlll authorized in advEl1Ce by JCI; <br />10) worI< caJSOd by the neg6gence of oIh.... induding but not rrnited 10 equipment <br />operaIors end waler treatment compalies; <br />11) service calls due 10 fei~res caJSOd by improper enviroom_ can<lrtioos aIlecIiJg <br />equipnent or eIecIricaI pa.ver IIuctualions, IT due 10 condrtioos beyond JCIS contro, <br />ond service calb requied because JCI hOO I'O\'iOJSIY been denied access 10 the <br />equipment and <br />12) disposal of hazlI1Ioos wastes. HazmIoos wasles rermin the property ond the <br />responsbily of the Customer even when removed from equipment or replaced by JCt <br />as provided by the terms of this Agreement, The Customer shall be responsible fa the <br />proper stornge and dispreal of hazanloos wastes. This includes. but is notOniled to, <br />used <ii, conianinaied (]' unconianinated refrigeranI. and PCBs. <br /> <br />H. JCt'. EQUIPMENT <br />JCI may proYide toos, documentatioo, palels. or other conIJ(j equipment in the Customer's <br />buidilg fa JCI's conllOOiooce In pEffonning JCI's sel'lices. That equipment shall reman <br />JCt.s property. JCI retains the rtIht 10 remove such items at any time during the term. or <br />upoo the term~aIion of. this Agreement <br /> <br />I. INDEMNITY <br />JCI and the Customer agree thai JCt shat be responsille oo~ fa such Injury, klss, or <br />danlage caused by the inlentional misconduct (]' the negrlQOllll>Ol (]' anissioo of JCI. JCt <br />ond the Customer agree to indemnify and to hold each other, "cIuding their oIIiceIs, agenls, <br />_. ond employees. hannless from all daims, demonds. or suits 01 "'l' koo. incIudiog <br />all legal cools and alIaney's fees, resullilg loon the ..enIiooal misconduct of ther <br />empkJyees (]' any neg6gent l>OI (]' anisskln by their employees (]' agenls. The obIgaIions of <br />JCI ond of the Customer under this plIagraph are further subject to plIag~ J and K <br />bei<MI. <br /> <br />J. UMITATION OF LIABIUTY <br />1) Neither JCI 00' the Custom.. wi! be responsiJle 10 the other fa any special. <br />kJdirect (]' consequenlia damages. Neither pOOy wiI be responsible to Ihe other fa <br />dan1ag~ klss, injlry. (]' delay caused by can<lrtioos Ihat are beyond the reasooabIe <br />control. and wilhool the inlentioo~ misconduct (]' negigence, of Ihat pOOy. Such <br />condilioos include, but are nlll timiled to: (a) acts 01 God; (b) acts of Government <br />agencies; (e) slJi<es; (d) Iabcr lispules; (e) Ire; (Q expIooions (]' other casualios; (9) <br />1hefIs; (h) vandalism; (I) riots orW(r, or (j) unava~ of pals, materials orsupplies. <br />2) ff Ihis Agreement ccveIS lire safely or securily equq,ment the Gustaner <br />under.;tands thai JCI is not an Insurer regWng !hose seIVices. JCI shall nlll be <br />responsllle fa "'l' demage (]' klss that may resul from lire safely (]' securily <br />equq,ment thai fails to pEffonn properly or fails to prevent a casually klss. <br />3) JCI is not responsiJle lor "'l' injury, klss, or ~e caJSOd by equipment thal is <br />not Covered Equipment <br /> <br />It ASBESTOS ANO HAZARDOUS MATERIAlS <br />Jel's work and seIVices unda-Ihis Agreement exdude anything connected or asscdaled <br />wlh asbeslal or hazlI1Ioos malerials. JCI shall not be required 10 perloon "'l' <br />identificalions, _ent, ciemup, conIJ(j, (]' removal of asbestos (]' hazadoos materials. <br />The Customer Ief"OSOIlIs Ihat, 10 the best of the Gustomer's kna.vIedg~ there is no <br />_os (]' hazmloos m~eriaI in the Custome(s buidi1g thai willn "'l' 'Na/ affect JCI's <br />worI<. Should Jel become aMare of or suspect the pmsence a asbestos (]' hazadoos <br />materials, JCI shall have the rtIht to stq> worI< in the affected area inmediately ond notify <br />the Customer. The Customer wit be resporlSJbIe fa d<i1g whatever is necessa'Y to cooecI <br />the _ " a<:caOalce wiItl aI appIiciilIe slalutes and regulalions. The Custom.. <br />agrees to assume responsibility fa "'l' claims aisi1g rot 01 or relating to the presence of <br />asbestos (]' hazmloos m_ in the Cu,laner's buiding. <br />Fonn E9115 (Rev 09/92) <br /> <br />L Jet's EMPLOYEES <br />The Customer acl<nCN/1edges Ihat JCrs employees are a valuable _10 JCI. The Custom.. <br />")rees to pay JCI en amount equ~ to 12 mooihs of salay lor each JCI emp/oyee who worI<ed <br />at the Custome(s faciity that is then hrel by the Custaner al8lT'f time during the lam 01 !his <br />~reement and fa 60 days thereafter. In addition, the Customer agrees to relmbu",e JCI_ <br />costs associated with erry training JCI provided to such em~oyees during the three <br />before the dale the Customer hires such employees. <br /> <br />M. ASSESSMENT <br />II is the Custome(s respons!lility to pay aI taxes or c<her government chl<ges relating to the <br />transfer, use, CN/nership, selVicing, (]' possession of eny equipment relating to th. Agreement <br /> <br />N. RENEWAL PRICE ADJUST'MENT <br />JCI will provideCustomerwilh notice of"'l' adjJslmentsin the Agreement pr'<:e appt;:abIe to a <br />renew~ peOOd no Ialer then forty-tive (45) days prior to the comm~ 01 thai renewal <br />period Unless the Customer term~ates the Agreement as provided ~ the TamJAutom!lic <br />Reoew~ prwision 01 !his ~reement, the EKjusted pr'<:e shall be the pr'<:e fO' the renew~ <br />peOOd. <br /> <br />O. RESOLurlON OF DISPUTES <br />ff a a.puIe /lises, the paIties shal pIlIllpt1y attempt " good fiiIh to _ the dispute by <br />negoIiaIIoo. Ai disputes nlllresdved by negdialion shai be res<Jved" a:x:ordancewilh the <br />Commercial Ru... of the American ArtJifJation Asso<ialioo " affect ~ thai tine, except as <br />morilied herein. An disputes shall be decided by a single _. A _ shaI be rendered <br />by the_orno Ialerlhan ninemorrths after the dernandfa _ isfied, and Ihe <br />_shalstaleinwrli1glhefacfu~ andleg~ basislorthe...anl. No <i.sorNery shat be <br />penni1ted. The _ shall issue a schedJi1g order thai shal not be rTKXiIied except by the <br />mu1ual agreement of the paIties. Judgment may be entered upon the awanl" the h91esl_ <br />of fedeni court having jurisdGion (Ner the malter. The prevailing pa1y shallreoover all cosIs, <br />including alIaney's fees, ~cuned as a resuk of the llspute. <br /> <br />P. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS <br />1) MY notice thai is requied to be given under th. Agreement must be in WIling ond <br />sent to the pa1y at the address noted 00 the Iisf page a !his Agreement <br />2) This Agreem",t cannot be transferred or assigned by _ pOOy without the prior <br />wrtI1en consent of the other pOOy. <br />3) This Agreement is the entire Agreement between JCt and the Customer ond . <br />supersedes erry prior ooi undemtandings. wrtI1en agreements, pI{\lOSais, O' <br />comlmmicalioos between Jel and the Gustaner. <br />4) My change or Il1OdiOCalion to this Agreement wiI not be _ tmless made ~ <br />writing. This wriIt", Instrument must sper:ificalIy indicate thai ~ is an ...",cment change, <br />orm~tolhis~ent <br />5) The Custom.. acl<nowIedges and agrees that "'l' purchase order issued by <br />Customer, in accordance with this Agreement, is "tended oo~ to eslab6sh payment <br />au1hority tcr the Custome(s i1Iemal acmmli1g purposes. No /Xlrchase order shall be <br />considered to be a coooteroffer, 3I1lendment, modiIicalioo. or other _ to the tenns <br />of this Agreement No term or _ _ in the Customer's /Xl_ order will <br />have any force (]' effect <br />6) Should 8IT'f changes to relevent regulalioos, laws. or codes ,ubstanIialIy affect Jel's <br />Services or obIgalions, the Customer agrees to negOOate with JCI fa !\lPfOIlIia!e <br />changes 10 the ~O' pr'<:e of the Agreement.. both. <br /> <br />0~HNSON <br />CONT~LS <br /> <br />. <br />