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<br />Bingo Hall Personnel Information - LG315 <br /> <br />License number: BH013 Name of person: <br /> <br />Oath and Consent Statement <br /> <br />1. I have never been convicted of a <br />faony. <br />2. I have never been convicted of a aime <br />involving gambling. <br />3. 1 haloe never been convicted of assaul~ <br />a criminal violation involving the use of <br />a firamn, or making terroristic threats. <br />4. 1 am not currentiy or ha\ie never been <br />engaged in or connected with an ilegal <br />business. <br />5. I do not owe $500 or more in <br />delinquent taxES to the state of <br />Minnesota. <br />6. I ha\ie not had a sales and use tax <br />pennit revokro by the commissioner of <br />revenue within the last two years. <br />7. I haloe filed, 1tterdemand, tax <br />returns rl:quired by the commis9oner of <br />revalue. <br />8. 1 am not a licensed distributor or <br />affiliate of a distributor under Minn. <br />Stat. see. 349.161. <br />9. I am not a 6censed manufacturer or <br />affiHate of a manufacbJrff under Minn. <br />Stat. see. 349.163. <br />10. I wi' not be an officer, director, paid <br />employee, or volunteer of a licensed, <br />exempt, or excluded organization in its <br />conduct of lawful gambling, or <br />represent a licensed, exempt, or <br />exdJded organization in the purchase <br />of or inft uenee the purchase of lawful <br />gambling equipment <br />11. I am not a wholesale distributor or an <br />affiRate or an empbyee of a wholesale <br />disbibutor of alcohoic beverages. <br />12. I wiB not provide any staff to conduct or <br />assist in the conduct of bingo or any <br />otherfonn of lawful gambfing on the <br />premises. <br />13. 1 wiB not acquire gambling equipment <br />or pmvK:le inventory control for any <br />organization that conducts lawful <br />gambling on the premises. <br />14. I win not prepare or assist in the <br />preparation of any reports requ ired by <br />Minn. Rules, part 7861.0120, subp. 3, <br />for an organization conducting iawful <br />gambling on the prem;;es. <br />15. I win not provide accounting services to <br />any organization conducting lawful <br />gambting on the premises.. <br />16. I wiB notsoiidt, suggest, encourage, or <br />make any expenditures of an <br />organization's gross receipts from lawful <br />gambfing. <br />17. I wil oot marge any fee to a person <br />without which the person could not play <br />bingo or partidpate in another form of <br />I_ful gambling on the pcemises. <br />18. I wil not provide assistance or <br />participate in the conduct of lawful <br />gambfing on the premises. <br /> <br />Goldie Katherine Siedow <br /> <br />. <br /> <br /> <br />19. I wil not permit more than 21 bingo <br />occasIons I:D be conducted on the <br />prem ises in any week. <br />20. I win not reouita person to become a <br />gambfing mana]er or assistant gambling <br />manager or identify to an organization a <br />person as a candidate to become a <br />gambling man<ger or assistant gambling <br />manager. <br />21. 1 wi. not be involved in the procurement <br />of, or influencing the procurement of, <br />I_ful gambling equipment for an <br />organization which conducts lawful <br />gambling on the li:ensee's premises. <br />22. 1 wil not pcovide or permit an a'filiate or <br />person acting on behalf of the bingo haD <br />licensee to provide any compensation, <br />gift, gratuity, premium, contribution, or <br />thing of val ue to a Gambling Control <br />Soard emplo~ or mffllber of the <br />Gambling Control Board. <br />23. 1 wiB not diroctiy or indirectly 9ive gifts, <br />trips, prizes, loans of money, premiums, <br />or oth er gratuities to gambling <br />organizaoons, or their employees, other <br />than nominal gifts not to exceed a value <br />of $25 per organizction il a calendar year. <br /> <br />ri! J2J. i ~ '~!i..~ <-} <br /> <br />(Signature of 0090 naB rsonnel applicall) <br /> <br />IUrMS~ <br />-Ih <br /> <br />County of <br /> <br />before me th is <br /> <br />Notary Pubic: <br />My commission expirES:~~~ <br /> <br />In addition, 1 understand, <gree, and hereby <br />irrevocably consffit that suUs and actions <br />relating II> the subject matter of the bingo hal <br />license application, or acts or omissions <br />arising from such applk:ation, may be <br />rommenced against me in any court of <br />compelentjurisdiction in Minnesota by service <br />on the Minnesota Secretary of State of any <br />summons, process, or pleading authorized by <br />the laws of Minnesota. <br />By signature of this doannent, the underngned <br />authorizes the Department of Pubic Safety II> <br />oonduct a background investigation pursuant to <br />Minnesota Rules, part 7862.0010, subpart lOa. <br />By signature of this document, the underngned <br />attests that information provided in th;; <br />application;; true and oorrect. Failure to <br />provide requi'ed information, or providing false <br />or misleading information, may result in the <br />denial or revocation of the icense. <br />Changes in application information wll be <br />submitted w~hin ten days. <br /> <br />FURTHER AFFIANT SAYElli NOT, except that <br />th;; Oath and Consent Stitement ;; submitted <br />in su pport of the application for a bingo hall <br />license fi'om the Gamblng Control Board. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />JdJ 1.6Lt!1~ <br />Date signed <br /> <br />SUbsaibed and sworn to <br /> <br />20 0 tA . <br /> <br />~l"':- <br />-......""'""'... <br /> <br />The information fl!:quested on this form (and any ata:hrrents) ""II be used by the Gcmbling Control Board <br />(Board) toda:ermine your qualifICations to be invd\'ed in IawfiJlgilTlbling acti'vitles In Minnesota, a1d to assist <br />the Board in Conducting a bad::ground Investigation of WU, You have a right to refuse to supply the <br />information requested; however, if you rf'fuse to supply this information, the Board may not be ctIle to <br />determIne your qualifICations ald, as a consequence, may refuse to register you. If)OO supply the information <br />requested, the Board will be able to register you. You are required toprowteyour social securityrunber on <br />this form. Your-sodal security number will be used todttermine your oomp6ance with the talC laws of <br />Minnesota. Authorllction fOr requiring your soci.. sea..lfity nurJt)er is found at 42 U.S.c. '1)5 (cXi). Yow narre <br />and address will be public information when received by the Soard, .All the other information that you provide <br />will be pfivcte data about you until the Board approves your registration. When the Board approvesyour <br />registration, aN of the information that you have pro~ to the Board In the process rf reJist8"ing wiD become <br />public EXcept for your social security number-, which remains private. If the Board does rot ~Pf'Q'o'e your <br />registration, all the information you h~e providEd in the process of registering remains private, with the <br />exception of your name and address, which will remain public. Privcte data about you are available onPy to the <br />followilg: Board members, stiff of the Board whose work assignment requires that they h~e acce>s to the <br />information; the Minnesota Department of PubliC Sahty; the Minnesota Attornev General; the Minnesota <br />Commissioners of Pdministrction, Finance, and R.evmue; the Minnesota LegislatiVe AOOitor; national and <br />intemctional gambling regulatory agencies; anyone PUf5Uart to COUlt order; other individuals and agencies that <br />are specifically authaized by state or federal law to have access to the information; individuals and agencies for <br />which law or legal ader- authorizes a newusc or sharing of informction ctterthis nd:ice was given; <rid anyone <br />with your \Witten consent. <br /> <br />. <br />