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<br />I <br />I. <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />,I <br />we <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I. <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />presumably around Karth Lake. Since the Draft AUAR was published, the DNR has added <br />another Blanding's turtle sighting in the vicinity of the campus to their database based on <br />adjacent resident sightings (see the DNR's November 14, 2002 letter in Appendix C). <br /> <br />Almost all of the land between the project site and the areas where turtles have been <br />identified is developed, medium density, residential land and is not considered favorable <br />habitat for Blanding's turtles. Nevertheless, there is a possibility that Blanding's turtles <br />could use portions of the site, particularly the shallow wetland (see Figure 10, Wetland L) <br />and surrounding undisturbed sandy loam (132B and 132C) upland located at the northwest <br />comer of the property. Refer to Items 12 and 19 for more details on wetlands and soils on <br />the campus. <br /> <br />No survey of the AUAR study area has been conducted to determine the presence of <br />Blanding's turtles. Coordination with the DNR Natural Heritage division confirms that a <br />survey of the study area is not necessary as the recommended avoidance and mitigation <br />measures identified below will be implemented as practicable. <br /> <br />A list of recommendations for avoiding and minimizing impacts to Blanding's turtles and <br />their habitat is included in the DNR report. These recommendations will be implemented <br />where feasible. The measures that will likely be appropriate for project construction <br />include: <br /> <br />I) Placement of silt fencing around construction areas to keep turtles out of <br />construction areas in the spring. <br /> <br />2) Notifying contractors of the possibility of threatened turtles III the area and <br />instructions on how to avoid harm to turtles if they are spotted. <br /> <br />3) Minimization of impacts to wetlands on the site. <br /> <br />4) Preservation of un-mowed upland buffer around wetlands on the site. <br /> <br />5) Preservation of some undisturbed upland at the northwest comer of the site. <br /> <br />12. PHYSICAL IMPACTS ON WATER RESOURCES <br /> <br />EAW: <br />WILL THE PROJECT INVOLVE THE PHYSICAL OR HYDROLOGIC ALTERATION <br />(DREDGING, FILLING, STREAM DIVERSION, OUTFALL STRUCTURE, DIKING, <br />IMPOUNDMENT) OF ANY SURFACE WATER (LAKE, POND, WETLAND, <br />STREAM, DRAINAGE DITCH?) NO l YES <br /> <br />IF YES, IDENTIFY THE WATER RESOURCE TO BE AFFECTED AND DESCRIBE: <br />THE ALTERATION, INCLUDING THE CONSTRUCTION PROCESS; VOLUMES OF <br />DREDGED OR FILL MATERIAL; AREA AFFECTED; LENGTH OF STREAM <br />DIVERSION; WATER SURFACE AREA AFFECTED; TIMING AND EXTENT OF <br />FLUCTUATION IN WATER SURFACE ELEVATlONS; SPOILS DISPOSAL SITES; <br />AND PROPOSED MITIGATION MEASURES TO MINIMIZE IMP ACTS. <br /> <br />Guidant Campus Master Plan <br />Final AUAR and Mitigation Plan <br /> <br />January 2003 <br /> <br />- 15 - <br />