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<br />I <br />I. <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />Ie <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I' <br />I- <br />I <br /> <br />To comply with requirements of the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act, wetland <br />impacts will be offset by creating mitigation at a 2: 1 ratio (2 acres of mitigation area for <br />each acre of impacted area). A detailed wetland mitigation plan has not been completed; <br />however, the plan will include new wetland creation as well as the use of Public Value <br />Credits (PVC) through the design of storm water ponds in accordance with WCA. Existing <br />wetlands located near the northwest corner of the site will likely be enlarged to create new <br />wetland area. <br /> <br />As outlined in Item 8, permits will be required from the Army Corps of Engineers and the <br />Rice Creek Watershed District for wetland alterations. As part of the permit approval <br />process, a final mitigation plan will be submitted to these agencies documenting proposed <br />wetland impacts and detailed mitigation. <br /> <br />Item 17 describes mitigation for storm water impacts, including impacts on existing <br />wetlands of the proposed development. <br /> <br />The proposed storm water treatment plans will improve wetland quality by removing <br />sediment, organics and other debris prior to the storm water entering the wetlands as it does <br />under thc existing condition. <br /> <br />13. WATER USE <br /> <br />EAW: <br />WILL THE PROJECT INVOLVE THE INST ALLA TION OR ABANDONMENT OF <br />ANY WELLS, CONNECTION TO OR CHANGES IN ANY PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY <br />OR APPROPRIATION OF GROUND OR SURFACE WATER (INCLUDING <br />DEW A TERING)? <br /> <br />NO L YES <br /> <br />IF YES, AS APPLICABLE, GIVE LOCATION AND PURPOSE OF ANY NEW WELLS; <br />PUBLIC SUPPLY AFFECTED, CHANGES TO BE MADE, AND WATER <br />QUANTITIES TO BE USED; THE SOURCE, DURATION, QUANTITY AND <br />PURPOSE OF ANY APPROPRIATIONS; AND UNIQUE WELL NUMBERS AND DNR <br />APPROPRIATION PERMIT NUMBERS, IF KNOWN. lDENTlFY ANY EXISTING <br />AND NEW WELLS ON THE SITE MAP. lF THERE ARE NO WELLS KNOWN ON <br />SITE, EXPLAIN METHODOLOGY USED TO DETERMINE. <br /> <br />AUAR: <br />If the area requires new water supply wells, specific information about that appropriation <br />and its potential impacts on groundwater levels should be given; if groundwater levels <br />would be affected, any impacts resulting on other resources should be addressed. <br /> <br />Guidant Campus Master Plan <br />Final AUAR and Mitigation Plan <br /> <br />January 2003 <br /> <br />- 17- <br />