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<br />/ <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />~ <br />~~LLS <br /> <br />MEMORANDUM <br /> <br />DATE: <br /> <br />Agenda Item 4.B <br /> <br />January 17, 2003 <br /> <br />TO: <br /> <br />Mayor and City Council <br /> <br /> <br />FROM: <br /> <br />Joe Lynch, City Administrat <br /> <br />SUBJECT: <br /> <br />Lake Josephine Hills Assoeiation-Ingerson Court/Fernwood Channel <br />Improvements <br /> <br />ENCLOSURES: <br /> <br />Lake Josephine Hills Assoeiation Letter to Mayor and Council dated <br />January 13, 2002 <br /> <br />The City Council has decided to proeeed with the plans for the 2003 Ingerson Road Neighborhood <br />Pavement Management Program. The Ingerson Road Improvement eontemplates improvements <br />to the end of Ingerson Court and the Fernwood Channel, which is property owned by Lake <br />Josephine Hill Association. <br /> <br />The enclosed letter identifies Lake Josephine Hills Assoeiation Taskforce Members and requests a <br />legal propcrty survey of the Lake Josephine Hills Association property. The Association would <br />like to reeeive this before proceeding with discussion/negotiations on the improvement proposed <br />to their property. The letter includes one statement that needs to be clarified. In the fourth <br />paragraph, the letter indieates that the City.. ."plans to redirect and dredge the channel and lay <br />pipes and drains across the association property." <br /> <br />The City plans to change a portion of the property, but this does not include any portion of Lake <br />Josephine Hills Association property. The City also plans to improve the flow of the channel by <br />removing the silt and debris that has built up in that channel and causes it to be less effieient. The <br />City has no plans to lay pipes or drains across the association property. The City does desire to <br />place a Freneh drain on the northern edge of the property to assist with run-off from the end of <br />Ingerson Court. <br /> <br />The proposed improvements to the Fernwood Channel are ancillary to the overall Ingerson Road <br />and Ingerson Court project and are not eritical. The City can just make improvements within the <br />street and the right of way without impacting the Association property. <br /> <br />However, if the Council would like to pursue making improvement to the channel, staff feels this <br />is an improvement to the existing condition of the channel and will benefit the property and <br />increase the value. In order to accomplish the proposed plan, the engineer will produee a diagram <br />showing the exact location of the street, right of way and any existing easements. The diagram <br />will not be a legal property description. As for the improvements to the channel, we will need an <br />