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<br />. <br /> <br /> <br />Minnesota Department of Natural Resources <br /> <br />1200 Warner ROa<l <br />St. Paul. Minnesota 55106 <br /> <br />Mayor Beverly ApllkowSki <br />City of Arden "dls <br />12~ West Highway 96 <br />Arden Hills, Minnesota <br /> <br />January 22, 2003 <br /> <br />Pear Mayor Aplllrol'(Ski, <br /> <br />COflgratulatlOOs on your appointment as the mayor of Arden tUfts. Of course, 1 already have a maltf;r to set before <br />you and the Ow COuned. <br /> <br />ThiS I1lQfnll$ I reviewed t/le);ll1uary 17, 2003 draft ~ \hat theCiw COuf)d1 pro~ to 5eIll!Ito GSA regarding <br />eatly traI:ISfS'Of the TCAAP property. I noticed tttata map and two sentences frolt1 ~ first paragraPh of ~ <br />~s.bel:l!mber 18,2002 draft have been omitted from the O1rrent draft. The miSSIng sentenE:eSstated, "~ <br />~ll~, thla(;lWwould like to pursue title to areas C, 0, and E generally outlined on ~ attached map. It is <br />ontll:if1la~ that Ramsey C()l.inty would pursue arEl<\S A and B for parl(sand apen space! <br /> <br />These sentel1cesareimportatltfrom the Oepllrtl\'ll!l1t of Natural ResOQ.rte$' pOIntofV1E\w. They address coocems <br />axprl!$Sedin my Iettei'Gfl2/10/02toMayor ProbSt (copy attadled). In thatlelt<<,I ~ ,th!! CIty's <br />. ~!lkIng:;~ wexdQ(le the 49-acre wildtifeoorridOr ftom the early ~ pI'PCl!SS. this was, SO that <br />~nup~,be~~ by:~eAtrny;atCO!ltamlOlltiOn site t.1.lefpre ll'ar!$fi!rrin(j t/lat IandwRonlSeY COwlty as <br />partdftherocec~/!lW\Il~al1fail. Su(h a request to remove ~ 19 lll:l'llSftom tile earlyll'ar!sl'er proces$ <br />wasll'ladeDyGllV~V$il'l.lra ill hlstlecember 11, 2002 letter to GsA (~attadleli). <br /> <br />bt1d3.UV1 atnaslQngfOt the city's $UP\Xlrt,;ll1d ~tioII illobtl:!lnill(j,an,exemption of th!! 49 <lcres ftom~ <br />early tmllSfet~; It 1'I0000tl be ll'iO$teffective If th!! crw dfl\rli!n AiOs in their rl"ltt$' to GSA alsolndl$,:Ie$$lIl:h a <br />~, ItISlfeadiwe sufJPQrt transflll'rln(! the 49 acres to Ralll!ie'( COunty In a tw~,pr~ as 1 describedln <br />my ptlMil\.$ letter. <br /> <br />Th;ll1k ,Y9U. fOr ytlUt Clltl$ldlilration of thlsrequest. I look forward to worklng with you and the City to achlevelhe <br />Vento Plan Vision for TeMP. <br /> <br />Sli'\ciRl1. <br />r~'//. ()).J!iJPL-. <br /> <br />Kathleen A. Wallace <br />Regional Director <br /> <br />cC: COI1gll3SSwoman Betty McCollum <br />Greg Mack, Ramsey COunty Parks and Recreation Department <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />An Equal Op~rtun\ty Employer Who Valt.'9S Diversity <br />