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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br /> <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br /> <br />OFFICE OF GOVERNOR JESSE VENTURi\ <br />130 State Capitol . 15 Constitution Avenue . Saint Paul, ,,"IN 55155 <br /> <br />t\lIgtlSt 28. 2002 <br /> <br />rhe Honoral>le Betty McCollum <br />Representative <br />United States House of Repreoentatives . <br />l029 Long;vorth House Oflice Building <br />Washington, D.C 20515 <br /> <br />Dear Representative McCollum: <br /> <br />The Artny Material Command has identified 776 aCres of property at the Twin <br />Cities Army Ammunition Plant (TCMP) in Arden Hills that is excess to the <br />military's needs. The purpose of this letter is to inform you of the State of <br />Minnesota's interest in the transfer of a 49-acre parcel.of TCAAP property. and in <br />confirming who is responsible for cleanup of the TCAAPsite. <br /> <br />Since Ramsey COUnty has the highest population density and the lowest per <br />capita amount of open space recreationallanq and Wildlife habitat in the state. this <br />49"acre parcel is critical. It is strategicaUy!ocated as a regional hub where three <br />significant ecological corridors converge. The ecological functions and hitbiult values <br />of Ramsey County's future park reserve depend on maintainilig this 49~acre parcel as <br />an undeveloped connection of open Spate and natural habitat. <br /> <br />The State of Minnesota is interested in preserving this parcel as a wildlife <br />corridor, consi$tent with the Vento Pl;m for allocation and use of TCAAP property. <br />We recommend that this parcel be incorporated as part of the regional park reserve <br />network administered through the Ramsey County park system, or transft:H-l'd to the <br />Minnesota National Guard. Both entities have, or Will soon have, parcels that abm <br />thiS 49-acre section of property and both support its use as a wildlife corridi)( <br />conneCtion. <br /> <br />The state is also interested in verifying who is responsible for cleanup on I he <br />TCMP site. It is our understanding that the U.S. Army is and Will remain <br />responsible for remediating any contaminated areas t9 the indUStria] use stand;ml :1t1d <br />that any subsequent cleanup for higher uses would be performed by the nt:w <br /> <br />Voice: (651.' 296-3391 Or (800) 657.3717 (MN) . Fax; (651) 296-2089 . TDD. (651) 296.0075 or """I; !.57.3598 <br />'Neb site: http;/....."\V\,us.... An Equal Oppn!llll\\~\" r-mp!oyer <br />