Laserfiche WebLink
<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />From: <br />Sent: <br />To: <br />Subject: <br />Peter, <br />Peter, <br /> <br />Scott 0 ThOmas <br />Friday, Novembet08, 200212:29 PM <br />AlA Peter Vesterholl (E-mail) <br />Arden Hms City HaII-97-161. <br /> <br />This emaa is to provide feedback with regard to energy costs and pricing data from NAC. <br /> <br />The energy costs appear to result in $1.25/sq. ft. per year. This is appropriate for this facmty. To <br />derive the $1.2S/sq. ft. per year, I added the eight months of utility bills and multiplied that by 1.5 <br />(12 monthsf8 monthS). <br /> <br />The proposed carbon dioxide slll1sorsresult in a total energy cost savings of approximately <br />$1,210.00 per year, which equate~to a savings of 5.6% from the annual energy costs. This <br />would resultln an approximate simple payback of tIlree years if implemented for all of tile units. <br />Breaking thfil units !lawn, we wOllld-anticlpale paybacks of 2 years for AHU.1, 4 years for AHU-2 <br />and 6 years for AHU-3. Nole that \he paybacks neglect maintenance costs for repairs that may <br />be needed to the carbon dioxide sensors. <br /> <br />Please see pricing data from NAC. allllChed. <br /> <br />I hope this provides you with the infonnation needed. Please forward to the City. <br /> <br />Thank you. <br /> <br />Scoll O. Thomas, P.E. <br />Cain Ouse Associates, Inc. <br />Phone: 651J426-9549 <br />Fax: 6511426.5048 <br />Emalf: sthOl) <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />k103102 <br />~flDln~ <br /> <br />. <br />