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<br />[1. <br />ne <br />n <br />n <br />[] <br />n <br />n <br />[J <br /> <br />I] <br />u. . <br />[] <br /> <br />f1 <br />L <br /> <br />[] <br /> <br />U <br />lJ <br />U <br />U. <br />U <br />U <br /> <br />.' <br /> <br />3. Device Calibration Checks. The actuators or devices listed below were checked for calibration. This is a <br />spot check On a sample of the calibrations done during field verification checklist and startup. <br />"In calibration" means observing readout in the BAS and going to the actUator or controlled device and verifYing thai the BAS <br />reading is correct. For items oul of calibration or adjustment, fix now. if easy, via an offset in the BAS. or a mechanical fIX. <br /> <br />Device or Actuator & Location 1st Site Final BAS Pass <br /> Procedure I State BAS Value Observation Reading Y/N <br />DX cooling stages control I. Off Off Note 210ff v <br />Stage I 2. On On <br />Stage 2 I. Off Off <br /> 2. On On <br />Stage 3 I. Off Off <br /> 2. On On <br />Stage 4 I. Off Off <br /> 2. On On <br />Heatiug coil valve l. Intermediate oosition 50% 50% 50% v <br />Position or command and 2. Full ooen 100"10 100% 100% v <br />stroke* 3. Closed 0% 0% 0% v <br />Outside air damper position** I. Closed 0% 0% 0% v <br /> 2. Intermediate nosition 50% SOOIo 50"/0 v <br /> 3. Full ooeu 100% loo% 100% v <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Sel pumps to uonuaI mode. Procedure J. Command valve to a few intermediate positions. VerifY that readings in BAS reasonably <br />correspond to the actual positions. For heatin. coil valves mOl: Procedure 2. Raise discharge sel point to 20F above discharge <br />temperatnre. VerifY BAS reading says beating coil control valve is 100% opeIL Visually verifY valve is 100% open. For heatin. <br />coil valves mC): Procedure 3. Set discharge air sel point to 20F below discharge air tempel1lture. VerilY BAS reading says <br />heating control valve is closed. Visually verifY valve is closed <br />'.Command the damper closed and verilY that damper is shul and BAS reads shuL 2. Do the saJIlO, commanding damper fully <br />open. <br /> <br />Notes: 1. <br />2. <br />3. <br />4. <br />5. <br />6. <br />7. <br />8. <br />9. <br />10. <br />11. <br />12. <br />13. <br />14. <br /> <br />Set these numbers at the OX controller to gain discharge air temperature controL <br />D1dn'test OX staging because 01 outside air temperature. <br />Return CFM is not brought out on computer. GX-9tOO _ram has a set point 0I.7OOCFM. <br />Drawing shows only IF'" asscclated with this unft, main cotIlpUIer has three exhaust fans on it. An fans are commanded off. <br />Outside air dampers aldn't close, no alarms were generated at the main computer. <br />Unable to get unft to start wilen unoccupie.t <br />Unable 10 locate IF'" on screen, changing air handler status has no efIect on IF4. <br />Air handler has a single 55' degree discharge temperature set point. <br />Discharge air lemperature was wrying from 50 10 80 degrees. I changed PI numbers to get better control. <br />Set point Is not available from main computer. <br />No alann is genended. <br />Filter status is not on computer. <br />Fans dld not shut down. Heating vallie eontrollerl for discharge set point. No alann generated. <br />Unit is not programmed lor morning warm up. <br /> <br />File: AHU1_FinaIReport.doc <br /> <br />Page 3 of 6 <br />