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<br />Mr. Todd Mohagen <br />Mr. Tom Jacobson <br /> <br />-3- <br /> <br />March 7, 2003 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Projected Post Development Volumes <br /> <br />Trip generation was estimated for the p.m. peak hour using observations from an existing <br />Anchor Bank in North St. Paul. We understand that the interior functions of the bank will <br />close for nonnal business purposes at 4:00 p.m. The drive-through will remain open until <br />6:00 p.m. Also, the A TM machine on the site will be available for use after 4:00 p.m. <br />Thus, during the p.m. peak hour of 4:30 to 5:30 p.m., traffic activities at the bank will <br />consist ofthe arrival and departure of drive-through customers and ATM users, and the <br />departure of bank employees who fInish their work shift at about 5 :00 p.m. (11 to 12 <br />persons). Based on the experiences at the Anchor Bank in North St. Paul, and the <br />employee projections at the new Arden Hills Bank, we have estimated that a total of 40 <br />trips will be entering the site and 50 trips will be exiting the site during the p.m. peak <br />hour. Pass-by trips are existing trips on County Road E that will include a stop at the <br />development in the future. From infonnation published in the Institute of Transportation <br />Engineers' (ITE) 6th Edition of Trip Generation, we have estimated that 45% of the <br />customer trips generated by the bank will be pass-by trips. Therefore the new trips <br />generated are projected to be 22 entering and 33 exiting, and the pass-by trips are 18 <br />entering and 17 exiting. <br /> <br />Through observations of existing traffic patterns in the surrounding area, trip distribution <br />percentages by route and direction were detennined as follows for the net new <br />development trips: <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />· 50% tolfrom the west on County Road E; <br />. 40% tolfrom the east on County Road E; <br />· 10% tolfrom the south on Pine Tree Drive. <br /> <br />Pass-by trips were assigned only to County Road E, with 55% tolfrom the west and 45% <br />tolfrom the east. <br /> <br />The entering trips will be entering through the Pine Tree Drive access. The exiting traffic <br />will have a choice between the Pine Tree Drive access and the County Road E access. <br />Exiting onto County Road E appears to be the most convenient exit for the eastbound and <br />westbound traffic from the drive-through and A TM machine, and the south access will <br />better accommodate the southbound traffic. For employee exiting trips, we expect that <br />some ofthese motorists will use the County Road E driveway to travel eastbound or <br />westbound on County Road E, whereas other employees will use the Pine Tree Drive <br />driveway to access County Road E. We expect that all employees destined to the south <br />on Pine Tree Drive will use the driveway on Pine Tree Drive. <br /> <br />Using the preceding trip generation and directional distribution projections, we added the <br />development trips to the existing volumes to determine the post-development volumes for <br />the p.m. peak hour. Figure 1 shows the existing and projected volumes for the p.m. peak <br />hour. <br /> <br />e <br />