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<br /> I <br /> CITY OF ARDEN HILLS, MINNESOTA <br /> COMBINED BALANCE SHEET .- <br /> ALL FUND TYPES AND ACCOUNT GROUPS <br /> DECEMBER 3 1,2002 <br /> (With comparative totals for December 31,2001) <br /> I <br /> Govemmental Fund Types <br /> Special Debt Capital I <br /> General Revenue Service Projects <br />ASSETS AND OTHER DEBITS <br />ASSETS I <br />Cash and temporary investments $ 751,042 $ 1,464,585 $ 1,927 $ 9,372,121 <br />Receivables <br />Interest 1,434 7,487 85 36,373 <br />Delinquent taxes 95,246 72,741 I <br />Accounts 3,969 21,040 <br />Special assessments 130,690 <br />Loans 14,215 I <br />Due from other govemrnellts 63,522 36,341 <br />Due from other funds <br />Advance to other funds 650,000 <br />Inventory I <br />Prepaid items 18,495 75 <br />Fixed assets - net <br />OTHER DEBITS I <br />Amount available for compensated absences <br />Amount available for debt retirement <br />Amount to be provided for debt retirement <br />TOTAL ASSETS AND OTHER DEBITS $ 933,708 $ 1,616,484 $ 2,012 $ 10,189,184 e. <br />LIABILITIES, EQUITY AND OTHER CREDITS I <br />LIABILITIES <br />Accounts and contracts payable $ 78,831 $ 115,705 $ $ 94,882 <br />Due to other funds <br />Advance from other funds 650,000 I <br />Due to other governments 7,624 10,227 <br />Accrued salaries and compensated absences payable 34,571 7,731 <br />Deferred revenue 59,510 86,284 123,004 I <br />Bonds payable <br />TOTAL LIABILITIES 180,536 869,947 217,886 <br />EQUITY AND OTHER CREDITS I <br />Investment in general fixed assets <br />Contributed capital I <br />Retained earnings <br />Unreserved <br />Fund balance (deficit) <br />Reserved 87,068 75 2,012 650,000 I <br />Unreserved <br />Designated 666,104 <br />Undesignated 746,462 9,321,298 <br />TOTAL EQUITY AND OTHER CREDITS 753,172 746,537 2,012 9,971,298 I <br />TOTAL LIABILITIES, EQUITY . <br />AND OTHER CREDITS $ 933,708 $ 1,616,484 $ 2,012 $ 10,189,184 I <br />See Notes to Financial Statements. <br /> -3- I <br />------------- <br />