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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Memo to Planning Commission <br />Planning Case #02-25: Preliminary Plat and Master Plan PUD <br />Page 2 of 12 <br /> <br />In an effort to work with area residents to address some of their issues regarding the Concept <br />Plan, Guidant formed a neighborhood work group. The work group was comprised of: <br />interested neighbors, the Arden Hills Community Services Director, two representatives from <br />Guidant, consultants for Guidant, the Ramsey COUilty Engineer, and the Shoreview Community <br />Development Director. The work group held five meetings between June and August of 2002, <br />the minutes from those meetings were mailed to approximately 850 residents in the area around <br />Guidant, and were al~o po.stedon the City of Arden Hills website. The result ofthe meetings is a <br />neighborhood that was more informed and more involved in the planning process and a proPO$ed <br />Master Plan which is more sensitive to the concerns of neighborhood resident$. <br /> <br />Currently, Guidant is requesting a preliminary plat (#02-25A) to consolidate its existing Pllfcels <br />into three parcels. While it is a sepllfat~action cQrn;ideJ,"ed by .the .City COUilcil, int~ to, <br />Guidant's request for preliminary pll),t approval i~ the req~$t tQ VllclIte PQrtiorn; of FemwQod <br />Avenue. Additionally, the preliminary plat dedicates the privateacc~ drive currently refeued <br />to as Cummings Park Drive Ill> a City street. <br /> <br />The applicant is also seekiQg a Planned Unit Development Master PIllU (#02.25B) to gui<,ie <br />development on the campus over the next twenty yeap;. Th!'l MlI$ Plan will establish proposed <br />locations for ne\V builf:jingsand p~g rllffiJls . and will inclllde Pf9po~ed phAAWg fOf n!;W <br />construction. All th!'l new bllildings are proposed (in accordance with the Master Plan), the <br />applicill1t will brillg in S~te.J?,~ t9l!MwS$ individual puildin.g i$~l!~. <br /> <br />Surroundiol!: Area <br />'"7.' . _. "-,,_.,, _ _ -_ _ . ,-_....,_ .. ~. ~ <br /> <br />_ ~_~~" _ q ~ I~.-: ~ H>>' <_='-d~~"_ _,; :__~~'\_J~~d;:h _~_~~~:~~;I:.J'""_":~~: ~_ '-~>:~. u"'~ <br />. <br /> <br />North <br /> <br />Sonth <br />(across County F) <br /> <br />East (Shoreview) <br /> <br />Industrial <br /> <br />I-I: Limited Industrial <br /> <br />Office <br /> <br />Industrial <br /> <br />I-I: Limited Industrial <br /> <br />Office I Utility <br /> <br />N/A <br /> <br />N/A <br /> <br />N/A <br /> <br />West <br /> <br />I.ow)')~ity~~~1 R-I:Sjugl!ll'l!IUiIy R~~til!1 <br /> <br />Sil)gle F'!lIlily Rtsilkmial <br /> <br />Site Data <br /> <br /> <br />ll1l!.ustriai <br />Light Jndnstriall Office <br />I-I: Limited tndUl!trial.l PUD Ov~rlay <br />"92,78 acres (4,042,646 square feet) <br />NlA <br />Relatively flat, <br />