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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - MAY 7, 2003 <br /> <br />6 <br /> <br />condominium on this site. He noted they had done extensive research on the soil and it <br />would need a lot of soil correction in excess of $500,000 to get the lots buildable. He <br />stated he did not believe single-family residential would be able to afford to build on <br />these lots once they took the soil correction cost into consideration. He stated the reality <br />was that this site was suited for higher density residential, such as a townhome, apartment <br />building, or a commercial development. <br /> <br />Commissioner Zimmerman stated it was not the Commission's place to decide what <br />residents should do with their property, and it was up to the residents to come before the <br />Commission as a group to request rezoning. He stated he was against telling people what <br />they had to do with their property. <br /> <br />Commissioner Ricke stated she believed this area should be neighborhood business. <br /> <br />Commissioner Larson stated he would look favorably to this area as being neighborhood <br />business, and if the residents wanted this neighborhood business, it was up to the <br />residents to request it and it was up to the developer to draw the property lines. <br /> <br />Mr. Murlowski asked if the City was open to a zoning change. The Commission noted <br />they were not opposed to it. <br /> <br />Liz Modessette, 3742 New Brighton Road, stated she would prefer that the zoning be <br />changed to reflect the Comprehensive Plan. She stated she believed that the <br />Comprehensive Plan was a deliberate plan when it was set forth. She said this would <br />send a message as to what the City's vision was for those properties once they were <br />developed. She noted there was a potential here that they would end up with single- <br />family next to neighborhood business and if the zoning was changed to neighborhood <br />business, it was less likely that this would happen. She stated she believed Lot 3 should <br />be zoned residential. She noted Lots 4, 5, and 6 currently matched the zoning and <br />Comprehensive Plan and Lots 9, 10, and 11 were already separated and replatted and the <br />zoning there was already set. She stated only Lots 7 and 8 needed to be determined. She <br />stated she owned Lot 10. <br /> <br />Chair Sand stated if they followed the Comprehensive Plan, it would divide lots 9, 10, <br />and 11 even further and create a middle portion. He asked what would they zone the <br />middle portion. <br /> <br />Commissioner Zimmerman reiterated it should be up to a developer to come forward <br />with a proposal for the area and where things should be divided and it was not up to the <br />Commission to set property lines. <br /> <br />Commissioner Ricke stated she believed the City needed to set their vision for this area. <br /> <br />Ms. Conley noted the middle section of the proposed Lot 9, was a wetland area and they <br />would want that area to remain as wetland. <br /> <br />Chair Sand stated he did not believe the Commission should establish property <br />boundaries. Mr. Parrish indicated it was not uncommon for properties to have two legal <br />descriptions. <br />