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CCP 10-14-2003
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<br />ARDEN HILLS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES <br />SEPTEMBER 29,2003 <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />4 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden asked if there was a way to put an end to the District in <br />the future. Mr. Filla replied according to State law, if the City determined the <br />District was no longer serving a public interest the District could be terminated. <br />He also noted a citywide petition with 26 percent of the citizens requesting an end <br />of the District could end the District. <br /> <br />Ron Hagkull, 1289 Karth Lake Circle, stated the residents of the lake did not <br />cause this issue and he believed it was due to inadequate planning in the 1 970s. <br />He questioned the assignment of payment. He asked why only the lakeside <br />owners should bear the 50 percent cost on an estimate that has increased almost 40 <br />percent. He noted it seemed to him that the drainage district (the drainage area <br />that contributed to this, both commercial and residential) should bear <br />responsibility for this and he asked for a valid reason as to why it was just the <br />lakeside owners. He noted it was not just the lakeside owners that caused the lake <br />to rise. <br /> <br />Frank Stodola, 1281 Karth Lake Circle, expressed concern how this item was . <br />being assessed. He stated he believed all the people who contributed to this <br />problem should pay for the solution, including other residents and businesses. <br /> <br />Susan Johnson, 1220 Karth Lake Drive, stated she was excited that a solution <br />was going to be taken for this problem. She noted better management of the lake <br />levels and quality of the water would enhance the property values on the lake. She <br />indicated while nobody wanted to pay for this, she believed this was a good <br />solution. She noted the people living around the lake had the most to benefit from <br />the lake's condition. <br /> <br />Mayor Aplikowski closed the public hearing at 7:28 p.rn. <br /> <br />Mayor Aplikowski asked if there were any advantage the District would benefit <br />from other than this particular project. Mr. Filla stated the Lake District could <br />have the authority to suggest other kinds of projects to the City also. <br /> <br />Mr. Parrish stated the reason they had adopted the Lake District approach instead <br />of assessing for drainage was because they would not meet the applicable tests and <br />thresholds for assessing for drainage. He recognized the fact that the problem was . <br />not exclusively caused by the residents along the lake and that was the reason the <br />City was paying 50 percent of the cost of this project. <br />
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