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<br />VISION AND GOALS <br />TWIN CITIES ARMY AMMUNITIONS PROPERTY (TCAAP) <br /> <br />City Council's Final Version <br />I Revised November 13. 2003 <br /> <br />DEFINITIONS: <br /> <br />ARSENAL~ . The. entire,property .fQrrnerly Termed the.}""IlCi!iesAfOlYAmmunitions.. <br />,l'lant inArdenJ:liIIs.. Thepro!,,,rtyis generallylgeatednorth ofHighw:ay96.u .uuuu <br />lHnihwest of Highway 10. east ofInterstate 35W. soutll of Count V Road I. and west of <br />Lexinj:...,1:on Avenue. As outlined in Exhibit A. different portions of the oroperty are <br />currently under different ownership and;' or management. Generallv. these include <br />the following: <br /> <br />I. Twin Cities Arm" Ammunition Plant (TCAAP): This portion of the Arsenal is <br />currently under the o\\ll1crshiu and management of the United States Armv, The <br />terms "TCAAP" and "TCAAP Excess Property" are sVTlonvrnous as they refer to <br />the same geographic area. <br /> <br />2. Arden Hills Arm" Trainint! Site i4HATS): This portion of the Arsenal is owned ,. <br />hy the United States Armv. The properlv is licensed 10 the Minnesota Anny <br />National Guard from the United States Army for use as the Arden Hills Army <br />Training Site. <br /> <br />TeMP EXCESSnWPERTY'sitew:hich are being.foIlsi<lered <br />for transfer by the Army. Thc terms "TCAAP" and "TCAA P Excess Property" are <br />svnonvmous as they refer to the same QeoQraohic area, <br /> <br />A VISION FOR TIlE FUTURE OF TIlE TWIN CITIES ARMY AMMUNITIONS <br />PROPERTY iTCAAPllN ARDEN HILLS: <br /> <br />Original: <br />The redevelopment of the TCAAP site will both harmoniously expand and strategically <br />complement and enhance the Arden Hills communityF by building on the legacy and foundation <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />~ f D~eted: October 21, 2DD3 <br /> <br />....."1 <br /> <br />l.Detetecl'TCAAP <br />Deleted: 2,370 acres of <br /> <br />J <br /> <br />Deleted: Property <br /> <br /><. <br /> <br />_. <br />Fonnatted: Numbered + Level: 1 + <br />Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, ,.. + Start <br />at: 1 + Alignment: left + Alig.ried at: <br />0.75" + Tab after: 1- + Indent at: <br />," <br />Formatted: Indent: First line: 0" <br />- <br />Formatted: Numbered + level: 1 + <br />Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, '" + Start <br />at: 1 + Alignment: left + Aligned at: <br />0,75" + Tab after: 1" + Indent at: <br />t" <br /> <br />nU_ Formatted: Numbered + level: 1 + <br />Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, no + Start <br />at: 1 + Alignment: left + Aligiled .. <br />0.75" + Tab after: 1" + Indent at. <br />'" <br /> <br />Deleted: . Thill area is called <br />TCAAP/AHA TS by tbe Anny. <br /> <br />'..( Fonnatted: Font: Bold <br /> <br />- - '::::.-, Deleted: e <br /> <br />\.\. <br /> <br />Deleted: xee" <br /> <br />I <br />) <br /> <br />-==1 <br />--, <br /> <br />\,\ Deleted: p <br />\\ Deleted: rDperty_ <br />'( Deleted: excessed <br /> <br />. <br />