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<br /> CITY OF ARDEN HILLS <br /> COMPARISON OF GENERAL FUND REVENUE WITH PRIOR YEARS <br /> 2004 BUDGET <br /> Page I <br />. GENERAL FUNDS: <br /> 31010 General Tax Levy <br /> 31020 Delinquent Property Taxes <br /> 31030 Mobile Homes <br /> 31040 Fiscal Disparities <br /> 31920 Forfeited Tax Sales <br /> Total Taxes <br /> Licenses and Permits <br /> 32110 Liquor, On Sale & Sunday 32,850 32,900 32,900 25,020 32,900 <br /> 32111 Liquor, Off Sale 600 350 400 400 400 <br /> 32160 Contractors 4,982 3,360 4,500 2,490 4,500 <br /> 32180 Business Licenses 13,004 12,685 13,000 12,465 13,000 <br /> 32190 Sign Permits 1,450 1,020 1,200 1,250 1,200 <br /> 32210 Plan Review & Bldg Permits 210,365 142,531 160,000 150,000 165,000 <br /> 32211 Permit Penalty Fee 0 0 0 0 0 <br /> 32215 Plan Check Fee 103,657 49,444 65,000 67,920 70,(100 <br /> 32220 Heating Permits 75,891 17,893 25,000 24,655 30,000 <br /> 32230 Plumbing Permits 16,258 9,212 9,000 7,320 10,000 <br /> 32240 Dog Registration 2,502 2,104 2,500 1,670 500 <br /> 32245 Cat Registration 242 176 250 185 200 <br /> 32260 Electrical Permits 25,115 20,691 20,000 40,945 25,000 <br /> 32275 Fire Suppression Permit 6,296 6,331 6,000 5,165 6,400 <br /> 32278 Fire Permit Plan Check Fee 559 1,023 600 1,250 1,000 <br /> Total Licenses & Permits 493,771 299,720 340,350 340,735 360,100 <br /> Intenwvernmental Revenue <br />. 33401 Local Government Aid (LGA) 10,242 11,729 5,865 0 0 <br />33402 HSTD & A G Credit Aid (HACA 99,994 0 0 0 0 <br />33403 MFG Home HACA 5,183 0 0 0 0 <br /> 33410 MN Homestead Credit 0 117,645 57,500 0 0 <br /> 33419 MSA-Maintenance 62,271 68,149 69,150 71,959 70,000 <br /> 33420 Firemen's Relief 163,574 0 0 0 0 <br /> 33422 Acquired Property Rental 95 288 0 0 0 <br /> 33480 State PERA Aid 5,179 5,179 2,590 2,590 5,179 <br /> 33500 Met Council Planning Grant 0 0 0 0 0 <br /> 33611 Aggregate Tax Distribution 0 0 0 0 0 <br /> Totallntergov Revenue 346,538 2(12,990 135,105 74,549 75,179 <br /> Chare:es for Service <br /> 34100 General Government Fees 2,544 1,067 1,500 1,250 1,500 <br /> 34t03 Plat & Other Fees 5,135 8,424 5,000 5,925 6,000 <br /> 34120 Water Tower Antenna Rentals 44,844 47,913 45,620 45,125 45,620 <br /> 34130 City Hall Facility Rentals 0 2,000 0 0 0 <br /> 34202 False Alarms 5,550 5,850 4,000 5,550 5,500 <br /> 34206 Dog Impound Fees 377 385 400 225 400 <br /> 34408 Reimb of Dis Tree Removal 0 575 0 0 0 <br /> 34730 Summer Playground Fees 0 0 0 0 5,550 <br /> 34740 Summer Trip Fees 0 0 0 0 500 <br /> 34780 Park Facility Rental Fees 1,720 1,248 1,800 1,250 1,500 <br /> 34781 Adult Programs 0 0 0 0 250 <br /> 34782 Youth Programs 0 0 0 0 33,000 <br /> 34785 Adult Softball 0 0 0 0 20,500 <br /> 34790 After Scbool Programs 0 0 0 0 18,000 <br /> 34791 Special Events Program (I 0 0 0 1,300 <br />. Total Chgs for Services 60,170 67,462 58,320 59,325 139,620 <br />Fines & Forfeits <br /> 3511 0 Hwy Patrol Fines 3,500 1,643 1,600 1,235 1,600 <br /> 35130 DWI Forfeitures 1,750 2,081 1,000 750 1,000 <br /> 35140 Violations BUreau 25,943 38,058 26,000 26,875 27,000 <br /> Total Fines & Forfeits 31,193 4t,782 28,600 28,860 29,600 <br /> <br />