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<br />1-35W Corridor Coalition <br />COC SWOT Analysis <br /> <br />. <br /> <br /> <br />rridor <br />lition <br /> <br />[[] <br /> <br />STRENGTHENS <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Leadership ~ City Mayors. oouncil members. commission <br />members. managers/administrators and staff <br />Collabaration - the ability to work together <br />Communication - internal & external <br />Ability to share ideas <br />Defined organizational structure <br />Unique Geographic Infonnation System <br />Diversity of Issues - internally & as an organization <br />Diversity - development sites <br />Profesional capacity within group <br />Talented local labor force <br />Strong local economic base <br />Recognition/Credibility - region wide & nationally <br />Broad group of partners - both public and private <br />Broad funding support - both public and private <br />Transportation system and access <br />Community commitment <br />Natural resources - parks, trails, Jakes and wetlands <br />Recreational opportunities and facilities <br />Experienced decision makers and thought leaders <br />Visionary and risk taking capacity <br />Continuity and commitment to task, vision and core values <br />through leadership changes <br /> <br />[Q] <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />OPPORTUNITIES <br /> <br />Maximize strength of Coalition <br />Move forward with real projects and initiatives <br />Promotion of Coalition coUective image <br />Promote success stories., e.g.. GMf-IC's HousingResoUTCe CenteJ'lM <br />Focused and funded conununcations and marketing plan <br />Improved web page - featuring development sites <br />Education - Policy makers, thought leaders and communities <br />Self-evaluale and re-focusefforts <br />Build broader partnerships with business oonununity <br />Coordinate technology use - assist member Utiti7€: GIS capacity <br />Expand and link recreation facilities and open spaces <br />Implement study recommendations <br />Seck joint funding opportunities - Housing Redevelopment <br />AuthorityfEconomic Development Authority <br />Legislative & Development round tables <br />Larger team Vision <br />Coalition Visitors Association <br />Ccordinated. Housing Maintenance Cede <br />Coalition orientation sessions - 'get to know us and what we are <br />aH abouL' <br />7 cilY Recreation Card - can be used at any Coalition member <br />facility.._ <br />Host Major ConfcImCe. e.g., sports function- Nooh Star Games.... <br /> <br />North Metro <br /> <br />[WJ <br /> <br />WEAKNESSES <br /> <br />Perception that communities lose identity <br />Funding insufficient lD achieve goals <br />Some city counciVcommissions less active than others <br />Community diversity <br />IWCcnununicaJ:irn - CooIition ~ notal\Wys dearoco:nveyed <br />Studies overwhelming - implementation needed <br />Coalition strengths not apparent to the general public <br />Coalition not visible to developers, brokers. and financial <br />communities <br />Coalition not using political strenglhs <br />Connmmilies - JXXlI"image; viewed as 'bluecoUar" 'nna('.'up north' <br />Uneven level of participation by members <br />No. format for dealing with disagreement, disputes... <br />Lack of time for city staff to participate <br />Lack of measureable outputs/outcomes - what are core products? <br />Lack of direct school district participation <br />Not having Anoka County paricip;tte as a full voting member <br />Not thinking 'big enough'lack of focused objectives <br />Political (ssues, changes <br />Timeliness - getting things accomplished <br />Periodic experience...Not making Coalition work a priority <br />No infonnal manager/staff meetings to just 'think about what can <br />be done...' <br />Publie image and message <br /> <br />IT] <br /> <br />THREATS <br /> <br />Lack of focus <br />Loss of cohesion -less participation by city managers/staff <br />Complacency <br />Return to individual approach to local issues <br />Changing political leadership <br />Competition within Coalition membernhlp and larger metro area <br />The economy <br />Residents and elected officials fear of "Social Engineering" <br />Changes at Metropolitan Council <br />St Paul Area Chamber of Commerce - economic develo.pment <br />activities <br />State funding and budget cuts <br />Lack of marketing emphasis and funding to sup{X)rt effort <br />Traffic congestion and related negative impact 0.1l Coalition <br />Iivabilit~' <br />