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<br />JAN, ;,iOC3 7:56AM <br /> <br />OFFlCE OF THE REVISOR OF STATUT, <br /> <br />rlO 6789 <br /> <br />P. 2 <br /> <br />12/30/02 <br /> <br />(REVISOR) RJS/PP 03-0565 <br /> <br />1 See. 2. [OEFINITIONS.] <br /> <br />2 Subdivi.ion 1. IG~LY.) For the purPDueS of this act. <br /> <br />3 th~ terms defined in Minnesota Statute.. aections 469.00~ to <br /> <br />4 409.0.7, hav~ the mean~nQ~ q1V~n to ~he~w ~n ~dditlon. ~he <br /> <br />S t~rms 4.~~ft.d ~n ~ho reD~ n~ ehis sec~ion a~~1v to this act <br /> <br /> <br />G unless the context indicates a dittftrent meaninQ. <br /> <br />7 Subd. 2. [A1U:A OF OPnATION.] "Area of operation" means <br /> <br /> <br />8 the area within the territorial boundaries Df the seven cities. <br /> <br /> <br />!:J ~y.b4. ~. [AUTBORX'%''Y. J ftA1.I.t;.1Io:t"itv" mee.~& t.hC2 hou.eJ.nCl and <br /> <br /> <br />10 ~edeveloDment authority !n ana for the I~~5W corridor Coalition. <br /> <br />11 Bubd. 4. [MOLTICO~Y AOTRORITY.J -Multioounty authority~ <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />12 <br />13 <br /> <br />means the aueho~itv. <br /> <br />Bubd. 5. <br /> <br />l5TA'rE PQBLIC BODY.) "State publ~c ~o~y- <br /> <br />means <br /> <br />14 Lh~ Authority. <br /> <br />15 <br /> <br />Sec. 3. <br /> <br />I COJDlISSIONERS. J <br /> <br />15 ~he Authority oonsiSt& o~ ~4 oommissioners WhO shall be thQ <br /> <br /> <br />17 mayor or acting mayor and the oitv ma~gBr. actinq oity manaqer. <br /> <br /> <br />18 city a~iniBtratoT. or actlnq oity a4m1n~5trator of eaoh oity in <br /> <br /> <br />1~ tho aucho~i~y. ~ha ~Qrm o~ kh. mayor or ac~inQ mayor is <br /> <br />~O coterminous with the mayO~al term o~ of rice. ~n ehB case of the <br /> <br /> <br />21 city manager. actinq city manaqer, city ~dministrator, or aotinq <br /> <br />22 city admlniBtrator, the term 18 ~ive years frO$ the date o~ <br /> <br /> <br />23 appo1n~mRn~. Each commiBBion8~ haD gn. vota~ <br /> <br />24 S.o. 4. [LEVY AUTHORITY.] <br /> <br /> <br />25 Sub1eot to the consent by resolution of the oitl.. 1n and <br /> <br />26 for which a levy ia created, the authority may levy a tax upon <br /> <br /> <br />27 all taXable property within its a~ea of OPeration in accorda~ce <br /> <br />20 wi~h MinnaDutA Sl~t~~ea_ section .69~D33, aubdiviDion ~~ Any <br /> <br /> <br />29 tax levied under this section by the authority i. considered to <br /> <br />30 be in addition to any tax DeevioUsly levied or to be levied <br /> <br /> <br />31 under Kinneacta Statute., AGotlon 469.033. subdivision 6. The <br /> <br />32 lsvy i. e!~.c~lve after the ~e.o1utions or oonsent have baan <br /> <br />33 adop~.d by a11 tho oL~ieA ~n ~h. a~.A oE ~.ra~ion. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />34 <br />35 <br />36 <br /> <br />Sec:. S. <br /> <br />[APPROVAL OP EXXST~NC AUTHORITIES.] <br /> <br />A~~ oroiect8~ r.d.v.1opm.n~ ~~a~B, or 1evies must be <br />approved ~y the ~~t~e. 1n ~~1oh they wl11 be ~ocated. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Section 5 <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br />HO/,CO.o ,LH# <br /> <br />SNO}J,'l~I"nJn') rr(',.T.T~\'"') <br /> <br />C':Cf1 0:-&7 TeD C''T!'':"T ('-""7 C'A.'n....n <br />