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<br />AGREEMENT BETWEEN <br />RAMSEY COUNTY AND CITY OF ARDEN HILLS <br />FOR A SCORE FUNDING RECYCLING GRANT <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />This Agreement is between Ramsey County ( the "County" ) and the City of Arden Hills (the <br />"Municipality"). <br /> <br />1. OBLIGATIONS <br /> <br />a. Reimbursement <br /> <br />1. The Municipality is obligated to provide for curbside recycling as agreed to in the Joint <br />Powers Agreement between the Municipality and Ramsey County for funding residential <br />recycling, including programs or provisions for assuring residential recycling service is <br />available to residents on-site at all multi-unit housing and manufactured home parks. The <br />County may deny reimbursement to the Municipality, or seek recovery of payments <br />disbursed to the Municipality, if the Municipality is unable to verify that recycling collection <br />service is provided at each place of residence. The County may deny reimbursement, or <br />seek recovery, of that portion of the grant amount equivalent to the prOportion of <br />househOlds not provi<:led recycling coltection service. . ' " . <br /> <br />2. The Municipality ,is r~qui~ed to, credit the County and the State of Mi'1nesota',s SCORE fund <br />as fundir\g sources;'n 'ani/public education materials. .. " . '; . <br /> <br />3. The Municipality shalt use the SCORE funds as specified by the Joint Powers Agreement <br />dated June 22, 1999. <br />-h <br /> <br />4. The Municipality shalt receive two payments from the County for recycling funds. The first <br />distributi'6n shalt occur by February 28, 2004, and shalt be in the amount of $9,245. The <br />second distribution shalt be by May 31, 2004, and shalt be for $9,244. <br />'1 !. ,- '- ,-~ _i'- ' <br /> <br />The Municipality shalt not use grant funds for expenses, or a portio'n 'of e~penses, which <br />have beEln or will be reimbursed by other parties, or for expenses that do not meet the <br />eligibility criteria outlined in the SCORE grant application guidelines. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />5. The County's obligation under this Agreement is subject to the availability and provision of <br />funding from the State of Minnesota. The County may immediately cancel, this Agreement <br />or reduce the reimbursement to the Municipality to the extent funds received from the State <br />are redu'ced or eliminated. The County is acting as fiscal agent for the Municipality and in <br />no event shalt be obligated to reimburse the Municipality in an amount in excess of that <br />actualty received from the State. . <br /> <br />b. Reports <br /> <br />1. The MUl)i~ipality shalt submit two reports to the County. The first is due to the County on <br />August 15, 2004. The second report is due on February 1, 2005. ,The report due August <br />15, 2004; wilt include program information for January 1 through J,"ne'30,::'Q04. The <br />second report will include program information for July 1 through December 31, 2004. <br />These reports are to include information on recycling at alt residential units, including multi- <br />family buildings and manufactured home parks, even if the Municipality does not provide <br />collection services to those units. <br /> <br />2. The reports shall be submitted on forms provided by the County. <br /> <br />. <br />