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<br />Agreement This provision shall not be construed nor operate as a waiver of any applicable <br />limits of or exceptions to liability set by law. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />d. All data collected, created, received, maintained, or disseminated for any purpose in the course <br />of this Agreement is governed by the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minn. Stat <br />Ch. 13, or any other applicable State statute, any State rules adopted to implement the Act and <br />statutes, as well as federal statutes and regulations on data privacy. The Municipality agrees to <br />abide by these statutes, rules, and regulations. <br /> <br />e. All books, records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices of the Municipality <br />and its (sub)contractor(s), if any, relative to this Agreement are subject to examination by the <br />County and the State Auditor, as appropriate, in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota <br />Statutes S16C.05, Subd. 5. <br /> <br />f. The Municipality shall make all reasonable efforts to ensure that their employees, officials and <br />subcontractors do not engage in violence white performing under this agreement Violence, as <br />defined by the Ramsey County Workplace Violence Prevention and Respectful Workplace <br />Policy, is defined as words and actions that hurt or attempt to threaten or hurt people; it is any <br />action involving the use of physical force, harassment, intimidation, disrespect, or misuse of <br />power and authority, where the impact is to cause pain, fear or injury. <br /> <br />g. The Municipality will be required to pay any subcontractor within ten days of receipt of payment <br />from the Cotinty for undisputed services provided by the subcontractor. The Municipality will be <br />required to pay interest of 1 Y. percent per month or any part of a month to the subcontractor on <br />any undisputed amount not paid on time to the subcontractor. The minimum monthly interest <br />penalty payment for an unpaid balance of $100.00 or more is $10.00. For an unpaid balance of <br />less than $100.00, the Municipality shall pay the actual penalty due to the subcontractor. A . <br />subcontractor who prevails in a civil action to collect interest penalties from the Municipality <br />must be awarded its costs and disbursements, inctuding attorney's fees, incurred in bringing <br />the action. <br /> <br />h. All equipment purchased using funds provided in this Agreement shall remain the property of <br />the Municipality. <br /> <br />i. Any amendn;ents to this Agreement shall be in writing and signed by both parties. <br />6. RECYCLING MARKETS SUPPORT FUND <br /> <br />During 2004, the' County will reserve for the Municipality a portion of the County Recycling Markets <br />Support Fund for the Municipality. This portion will be the proportion of the Municipality's <br />population residihg in Ramsey County to the entire Ramsey County population, according to 2001 <br />Metropolitan Councit poputation figures, multiplied by the total amount of the Support Fund. To <br />gain access to these funds, the Municipality must first appty to the County, in accordance with the <br />County's guidelines in place at the time for distribution of the Recycling Markets Support Fund. <br />The Municipality'WiII be allowed to incur expenses for reimbursement in accordance with its <br />application, including eligible activities and maximum potential reimbursement amount, once such <br />application is approved by the County. The County shall reimburse the Municipality for adequately <br />documented requests consistent with such an approved application. The Municipality must provide <br />evidence, upon request from the County, that no Support Fund monies were used to landfill <br />recyclable materials and/or transport materials to a landfill. The County reserves the right at any <br />time to amend the total amount of the Support Fund, to amend the guidelines for distribution of the <br />Support Fund, or to eliminate the Support Fund. <br /> <br />7. WASTE REDUCTION <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />The Municipality'shatl comply with Minnesota Statues S115A.151 regarding recycling in local <br />government facilities. The Municipality and its (sub)contractor(s) shall participate in a recycling <br />