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CCP 01-26-2004
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CCP 01-26-2004
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<br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Task 4: Groundwater Use - Reuse Evaluation (Optional) <br /> <br />As an optional task, and based on our meeting, URS has the capability to. provide feasibility studies and <br />engineering design for the reuse of treated groundwater fram the TCAAP groundwater remediation <br />system. Dependent an redevelapment water use needs optians for economiclbcneficial reuse of treated <br />groundwater resources may be available. We have nat at this time included costs for this task but can do <br />sa upon the City's request. <br /> <br />Task 5: Corrective Action Management and Oversight (Optional) <br /> <br />As an optianal task at this time, URS has extensive capabilities in remediation design, implementation <br />and constructian management. As the largest environmental engineering firm in the Midwest and the US, <br />we have managed and performed remedial actions at industrial, military and commercial facilities <br />throughout Minnesota and Narth America. We have not at this time included costs for this task but can <br />do so upon the City's request. <br /> <br />SCHEDULE <br /> <br />URS estimates project implementation starting approximately Octaber 15, 2003 with project completion . <br />through Task 3 in approximately March 2005. We understand flexibility in the project schedule will be <br />required and that services will be provided intermittently thraughout the schedule. URS anticipates <br />developing a detailed project schedule with the City at the initiation of the project. <br /> <br />PROJECT TEAM <br /> <br />Key propased project team members and brief biographies are listed below. Extended resumes of <br />proposed project team members are available upon request. Given the large patential environmental <br />liability associated with TCAAP redevelapment, URS is proposing a senior level team camprised of <br />environmental remediatian specialists. <br /> <br />Proiect Manager: Steven McManamon, P.G. . Mr. McManaman is Vice President and Director af <br />Environmental Management far URS' Minneapolis office. He has over 18 years of experience in the <br />environmental industry primarily fo.cused in the investigation and remediation of environmentally <br />impacted sites. Mr. McManaman has managed or directed environmental investigations and remediations <br />at CERCLA (Superfund) RCRA and Brownfield re-develapment sites throughout Minnesata and the <br />Northern U.S. Mr. McManamon's priar experience at TCAAP includes the Baundary Groundwater <br />Recovery System (BGRS), Outdaar Firing Range(s) Remediation, Off-TCAAP groundwater investigatian <br />and Lake Valentine Assessment. Mr. McManamon is a licensed professional gealagist in the State of <br />Minnesota and is an active member in variaus professional environmental organizations. Mr. <br /> <br />Thresher Square . <br />700 Third Street South <br />Minneapolis, MN 55415 <br />Phone: (612) 370-0700 <br />Fax: (612) 370-1378 <br />
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