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<br />J an-ll-04 14: 19 <br /> <br />From-K.nnedy , Grav.n <br /> <br />+&113319310 <br /> <br />1-936 P 001/005 F-Il1 <br /> <br />, . <br /> <br />470 Pillsbttty Co::'nlcr <br />ZOO Sourl1 Si;([h Stree[ <br />Mlnlle~flolis MN '55402 <br />((,12) 337.9300 "I<pho,," <br />1(12) 337-9310 f.Il< <br />httrJ Iwwvw.l(cnllrdy-grJ.vC:fi. com <br /> <br />'\ Kennedy <br />Graven <br /> <br />RONA1.D H. BATTY <br /> <br />A1l(Imey ~! l..~w <br />l)irt'CI Db.! (612)3)1-9262 <br /> <br />Email !batly@k(..f\ <br /> <br />January 22, 2004 <br /> <br />Ms. Michelle Wolfe <br />City Administrator <br />City of Arden Hills <br />1245 W Highway96 <br />Arden Hills, MN 55112-3923 <br /> <br />DeiJrMs. Wolfe: <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Thank you for the oppottunity to discuss Keimedy & Graven representing the city on matters <br />involving the Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant I propose rhat attorney rates for such work be <br />$175 per hour. Paralegal rates will be $95/hr- Law clerks will be $801hr. There are 110 other <br />persons whose time will be billed to the city. These rates will be effective for 2004 and will be <br />adjusted arll1ually. <br /> <br />Kennedy & Grayen also bills costs and disbursements. Costs include such items as postage, long- <br />disrance telephone charges and mileage at the current IRS-approved rate. Disbursements include <br />out-of-pocket expenses incurred on bebalf of tbe city. Thcse include recording fees, filing fees and <br />messenger service. All costs and disbursements are billed at cost and with nO mark-ups. <br /> <br />Billings by the fum to the city for services, costs and disbursements will be made monthly. The <br />billing staternel1l will be of sufficient detail to adequately inform the city concerning me tasks <br />performed, the attorney pelfonning them, the time spell! on each such task and the nature and the <br />extent of costs and disbursements. TIle statement will also show the IOtal time spent and mc fees. <br /> <br />It is the intention of the parties that Ron Bany will perfonn, supervise and be responsible to the city <br />for the legal services, except in the case of extraordinary circumstances involving disability, <br />unavoidable conflict or other good and substantial reasons. Other !inn attorneys may from time-to- <br />time be directed to perfonn services for the city under tbe supervision of Ron Barry. The linn will <br />not assign any anomey not satisfactory to the city to perform services for the city. <br /> <br />The finn agrees that it will not undertake the representation of any person or other ennry in <br />instances where such representation may create a potential conflict of interest, unless: <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />\lJllJ.J~JOIlJvI <br />KG400.11 <br />