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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - FEBRUARY 4, 2004 <br /> <br />7 <br /> <br />Chair Sand opened the public hearing at 7:54 p.m. <br /> <br />Chair Sand invited anyone for or against the variance to come forward and make <br />comment. <br /> <br />There were no comments from the public. <br /> <br />Chair Sand invited applicant to make comment. <br /> <br />Applicant was not present. <br /> <br />Chair Sand closed the public hearing at 7:55 p.m. <br /> <br />Commissioner Ricke moved, seconded by Commissioner Bezdicek to approve Planning <br />Case No. 04-03: MSI/Country Insurance; 2 Pine Tree Drive; Sign Standard Adjustment, <br />subject to staffs findings and the following condition as noted in staffs February 4, 2004 <br />report: <br /> <br />I. Should the signs require building or electrical work, the applicant shall file <br />the necessary building and electrical permits with the City Building <br />Official for approval prior to the issuance of a building or electrical <br />permit. <br /> <br />The motion carried unanimously (7-0). <br /> <br />Chair Sand recessed the meeting at 7:55 p.rn. and reconvened the meeting at 8:09 p.m. <br /> <br />C. PLANNING CASE 03-28: NORTH HEIGHTS CHURCH; 1700 WEST <br />HIGHWAY 96, PUD AMENDMENT <br /> <br />Mr. Hellegers stated applicant was requesting an Amendment to their Master Plan <br />Planned Unit Development. The proposed PUD would involve the addition of a 4,000- <br />seat sanctuary, administration offices, youth activity rooms, a ehapel, and a retreat center. <br />He noted this proposal contemplated re-utilizing the existing 1,200-seat sanctuary as a <br />youth auditorium. Development would be scheduled over 2 states and would include <br />development of a new sanctuary antieipated to being in 2004 and the development of the <br />retreat center in the second stage beginning in 2012. As this was a Master Plan, the <br />applicant would need to return to both the Planning Commission and the City Council <br />with a Final Plan before construction could begin. <br /> <br />Mr. Hellegers noted North Heights Church had hosted a neighborhood meeting and two <br />smaller work group meetings. At tbe neighborhood meeting, residents raised questions <br />about the traffic from the church, the loss of overall green spaee, and the reduction of the <br />"green buffer". The work group was established as a way for North Heights and a group <br />of 15 residents to work through some of the residents' concerns and potentially end up <br />with a project which everyone would be eomfortable with. After two meetings of the <br />work group, the church and the residents on the work group still appeared to be a good <br />distance apart from a project which all would be comfortable with. While the work group <br />did not establish a consensus project, there were several impacts on the project. The <br />