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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />ARDEN HILLS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES <br />FEBRUARY 23, 2004 <br /> <br />9 <br /> <br />B. Ordinance 348: Amendin!! the Trade Area Spendin!! Requirement for Charitable <br />Gamblin!! <br /> <br />Mr. Parrish stated based on past review of trade area expenditures, it appears that most of the <br />organizations spent at least 90% of tbeir net proceeds within the trade area. In past discussions <br />with Minnesota Wrestling, they have indicated they were willing to comply with whatever the <br />local requirement is. Since St. Mary's Romanian Orthodox Church is located in St. Paul and <br />most of their proceeds go to fund Church operations, they are not in favor of the proposed <br />change. St. Katherine's Ukrainian uses the charitable gambling proceeds in a similar manner, but <br />is located in Arden Hills trade area. <br /> <br />Mayor Aplikowski asked if all six charitable gambling organizations had been notified about <br />this proposed change. Mr. Parrish replied all of the Charitable Gambling Organizations had <br />been notified. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden stated one of the Council's concerns was if they increased the <br />percentage for the trade area, what effect would that have on the organizations that presently <br />received the money. She asked who was receiving the money and how much they were receiving <br />from the different organizations. Mr. Parrish replied the Charitable Gambling Organizations <br />determined who they gave funds to. However, there would be an impact to the organizations that <br />St. Mary's Romanian Orthodox church supported. He noted a lot of organizations changed their <br />focus from year to year. He stated the primary impact if St. Mary's were no longer able to <br />operate would be to the Northwest Youth and Family Services. <br /> <br />Councilmember Grant asked how much St. Mary's give to the Northwest Youth and Family <br />Services on an annual basis. Mr. Parrish stated he believed there was a $12,000 minimum paid <br />to that organization. <br /> <br />Frank Belgea, St. Mary's Romanian Orthodox, stated approximately $75,000 went to the <br />trade area annually. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden asked what the net gain was by changing the trade area amount. Mr. <br />Parrish replied by changing this, it would capture 40 percent additional across the board. He <br />noted St. Mary's did contribute more broadly than most of the other Charitable Gambling <br />Organizations. He noted this changed year-to-year depending upon what the organizations <br />funded year to year. <br /> <br />Ms. Wolfe noted the City now had another Charitable Gambling Organization that was not <br />located within the City and this was to ensure that more of the funds stayed within the trade area. <br /> <br />Frank Belgea, stated they had been doing business in the City for 14 years and had shared 50 <br />percent of their profits with organizations within the City. He stated they tried to spread the <br />profits out among many organizations in the City. He summarized for Council the requirements <br />from other surrounding Cities regarding their trade area-spending requirements. He believed a <br />