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<br />CITY OF ARDEN HILLS <br />ACCOUNTS PA Y ABLE CLAIMS REPORT <br />TO BE APPROVED AT 03/08/04 COUNCIL MEETING <br /> <br />PAGE2QF2 <br /> <br />UNPAID CLAIMS REGISTER: <br /> <br />,:,,:CJ{:,li!;,: : "CJU>Jitli"I"':'i<~iW6Jf,;,;"" ":'">""",,,<<::':<<::<:/, :A~ph<)::: e6MMihkis:~: ::' ::: ::,.,.. <br />24717 03/09/04 A-I Hvdraulic Sales & Service 192.88 Maintenance Sunnlies-Streets <br />24718 03/09/04 ABIXJ Eick & Mvers 3,000.00 Audit Services through 1/31104 <br />24719 03/09/04 A.n'I.ericanErt~ineeriiw Testinl! 1,405.00 Mold Insnection-Cilv Hall <br />24720 03/09/04 AninialCoiltrol ServiCes Ine 160.40 DoeJCat Enforcement-Feb <br />24721 03/09/04 BeisswenlJcr'sHow To Store 706.57 Shoo SU-Dolies-O&M <br />24722 03/09/04 Biffs, Ine 212.73 Portable Toilets-Rinks <br />24723 03/09/04 Bvl, Sandra 58.13 Mile:Il"e Reimbursement OllO2...()2!27/04 <br />24724 03/09/04 Commissibner,ofTtansnortation 4,195.91 State Insnection 2003 PlV1P-MSA Funded Proi <br />24725 03/09/04 Coverall of the TWin Cities ] ,238.60 Cilv Hall Cleanin2 Service <br />24726 . 03/09104 Davies Water Enuin Co. 618.19 SafctvlReflective Jackets for O&M Staff <br />24727 03/09/04 Dent of Administration ],795.18 Phone Service <br />24728 03/09104 DS Productions 819.24 Rewire LectumlSvsteln Diapnostic-CCC <br />24729 03/09104 Frattallone's HardWare, Ioe 63.39 Shon Sunnlies-o&M <br />24730 03/09/04 Graiin!er, me 157.91 Recentacle, DolIv, Liners <br />24731 03/09/04 H&L Mesabi, IDe 198.62 Surface Harden FSE Blade <br />24732 03/09104 HelIeaers -Pelet 16.38 Mi1eag:e Reimbursement 02/03-02/28/04 <br />24733 03/09/04 I.O.S. C"nital 4,021.80 Conier Leasel AddtJ Conies <br />24734 03/09104 JOMSOh Controls 2.240.00 HV AClBoiler Renair <br />24735 03/09/04 KathAlrtoParts 339.13 ShOD SUDDlies-o&M <br />24736 03/09/04 Lel'lOiie ofMN Cities Ins Trust 53,750.00 Liabilitv Insurance'-2004 <br />24737 03/09/04 MAMA 18.00 MAMA Luncheon 02/24/04 <br />24738 03/09/04 NCPER5 Grouo Life 60.00 PERA Life-Mar <br />24739 03/09/04 Nextel Communications 710.82 Cellular Phones Monthlv Service Char2e <br />24740 03/09/04 North Metro insl"N":l':tions lnc 824.00 Februarv Electrical Insoections <br />24741 03/09/04 Reed Fred 13.95 2004 Uniform Purchase <br />24742 03/09/04 saxe, Steohen 114.95 2004 Unifonn Purchase <br />24743 03109/04 Scherer Bros. Lumber Comnanv 221.92 Bird House Proiect-Sunnlies <br />24744 03/09/04 Team LabOratoTv Chemical Corn 598.53 Lift Station Delrreaser <br />24745 03/09/04 United Rentals 207.68 6' Nvlon Web Sline: <br /> Subtotal- Unnaid Claims - Paoe 2 77,959.91 <br /> <br />,.- <br /> <br />. <br />, <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br />