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<br /> <br />. <br /> <br />I DEUARETHAT: <br /> <br />I have read this application and declare that all <br />information submitted is true, accurate, and complete. <br /> <br />I have read this application and all information <br />submitted to the Gambling Control Board; <br />All the information is true, accurate and complete; <br />All other required information has been fully disclosed; <br />I am the Chief Executive Officer of the organization; <br />I assume full responsibility for the fair and lawful <br />operation of all gambling activities to be conducted; <br />I will familiarize myself with the laws of Minnesota <br />governing gambling and rules of the Gambling Control <br />Board and agree, if to abide by those laws and rules, <br />induding amendments to them; <br />Any changes in application information will be <br />submitted to the Gambling Control Board within 10 <br />days of the change; <br />I understand that failure to provide required <br />information or providing false or misleading <br />information may result in denial or revocation of the <br /> <br /> <br />rized signature of chief executive officer <br />10- 1'-(- tl,J <br />Date: <br /> <br />NoliIry Public Seal must be current and correct; seal may <br /> <br />not be altered. Subscribed and sworn to before me this <br /> <br />'rP <br />~day of <br /> <br /> <br />.:leD 3 <br />. . <br /> <br />NoliIry public <br /> <br /> <br />Mail comDlete renewal aDDllcation bY: <br /> <br />1/31/2004 <br /> <br />to: <br /> <br />Licensing Contact: <br />Phone: <br />Fax # <br />EmaiJ: <br /> <br />Judi Tanberg <br />(651)639-4077 <br />(651) 639-4073 <br />judi, <br /> <br />Omanization #: 2847 <br /> <br />3/31/2004 <br /> <br />The information requested on this form (and any attachments) will be used by the Gambling Control Board (Board) to determine your <br />qualifications to be involved in lawful gambling acIiviIies in Minnesota, and to assist the Board in ronducling a background Investigation of <br />you. You have the right to refuse to supply the information requested; 11owe\<er, if you refuse to supply this infonnation, the Board may not <br />be able to determine your qualifications and, as a ronsequence, may refuse to issue you a license. If you supply the information requested, <br />the Board will be able to process your application. <br />Your name and address will be publiC information when rea!ived by the Board. All the other infonnation that you provide wili be private data <br />about you until the Board issues your license. When the Board issues your license, all of the information that you have provided to the <br />Board in the process of applying for your license wiil berome public except for your Sodal Security number, which remains private. If the <br />Board does not issue you a license, all infomlation you have provided in the process of applying for a license remains private, with the <br />exception of your name and address which will remain public. <br />Private data about you are available only to the following: Board members, staff of the Board whose work assignment requires that they <br />have access to the information; the Minnesota Department of Public Safety; the Minnesota Attorney General; the Minnesota Commissioners <br />of Administrationr Finance, and Revenue; the Minnesota legislative Auditor, national and international gambling regulatory agencies; anyone <br />pursuant to court order; other Individuals and agendes that are spedficaily authorized by state or federal law to have access to the <br />information; individuals and agendes for whidllaw or legal order authorizes a new use or sharing of information after this Notice was given <br />and anyone with your written consent. <br />