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<br />. <br /> <br />e. Analytical DMlI. Review and COlllment on data collected lInd <br />analyzed by Deyeloper< <br /> <br />D. Disposition undDcvelonmt,nt I\!!reement. <br /> <br />I, tll Nllllotl:ate. During the term of this Interim <br />Agreement, Deve!QpeT slfuill have the e)l.clll~ive right to neglltlllte <br />with the City regarding the acquisition and development of the AH <br />Reuse A.rea or any portion thereof. City shall not solicit or entertain <br />bids or proposals from third parties in regard tb disposition and <br />devdopmt'Dl of any portion of the All ReQse Area without prior <br />written consent (lfthe Developer. <br /> <br />2< RelllllarMec~;n~,s. The parties shall condUct regularly scheduled <br />meetillgs ul1til the .initial draft of the DDA is prepllred and <br />sUbSil!lU<llllt mec,ungs ns llete,Sar)! to incorporate data obtained <br />during the environmental alllllysis of the AH. Reuse Ar~,u and the <br />prep"fation ()fthc City's Comprchensive Plan Amcndnlellt and <br />Infrastructure Plans. <br /> <br />S,() <br /> <br />,'\ce$ fotEllvirllumenlll\SUI'VllY. Suhje<.~t to receipt of approval from the <br />Federal Government and the Miunesot'.l Army Nlltional Guard, and subject to <br />cOllJph~mce with tbe followil1g terrnsand conditions. Developer shall ha,'e the <br />rig:hlto enter Ihe All RellSe Areafbr tl!ie purposes ofinspeetiol1S and tests: <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />i\< Devcloper shall pay for all testil1!:l, inspeL1ions, studies, or sllrveysofthe <br />AH Rcuse Area. Develope.r shall keep thc AH Reuse Area free und clear of <br />an liens and shaH rep(iil' ally damage to the AH Reulle Area that is caused <br />by or ill any "'uy eOlllleeted willi sllid l~S, in'spwtions, studies. or surveys. <br /> <br />B< Developer shall submit tD the City,) list of pers<ms and businesses who <br />shan work on the l'\H Reuse Area< <br /> <br />C. De,'eloper shall be respotlsible ft:lt' irritiating,maintainh\g, and slIl'ervising <br />all safety prei;l\utiuns lmd prngrnIDs in cOllUection with lID)' te.sting work On <br />the .All Reus\) ,\rea as required by the federal gbvertnnent or the City. <br /> <br />D< Developer shHIl give alll10tices and comply with all applicable laws, <br />onlimrnces, rules. regulatiolls, and law!ul orders of any public authority <br />bearing on the safelY of persons or property or their protection from <br />danulg-eR, injury or 1(,)$s. <br /> <br />(, <br /> <br />. <br />