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<br />. <br /> <br />7.0 Limltatil/1I5. This tnteritl1 Agreement does not constitute a dillposition of property <br />or any waiver oftl1e exercise of control by the City. E:"ecuticlI1ofthis Illterim <br />Agreement hy the City is merely an agreement to ellter into a period of exdllSive <br />negotiations according to the terms hereof, reserAng diseretiol1offinlllapproval to <br />the City as tll any DispositiOn lmd Development Agreement and all proceedings <br />and de<::,isions in connl!:etiol1 therewith, The City <tnd Developer understand thllt <br />the property ill quest1<ln iSCllrrtntly owood by the l:J lIiled Stllles Government ood <br />that the purpose dfthis Interim Agreement'is to assist in negotiations with said <br />Government to have the site conveyed to the City onl.erms and conditiOnS <br />f'lVorablelo the City and for the purposes outlinwin this lnterim Agteerllllut or as <br />may be described in afilllll Disposition and Development Agreement. <br /> <br />XJl <br /> <br />T~rnl of Al!reeme!lt. This Interim Agt!3eroen.tsball bee<l1tle effective IlpOll <br />execution b:y City and Developer ("ClllIllllCli~llt Uate") and shalll:errnrnate ill <br />twenty"follr (24} l11ontl1s fromsllch Commencement Date UIIless terlllinared at an <br />earlier dati: as hereinafter !lI'Qv1ded, or extendlld by nl\llual eOllllellt of lhe parties: <br /> <br />1\. <br /> <br />De\'eloper NO!l-CensibiU1v D.IlteJ~illatioll. If al any time the Developer <br />delcrmines that the development ,)fthe AH Reuse Area is not feasible for <br />any uf the following reasons, Dllvelopcl' can terminllle this !:oll:rim <br />Agreement in it!> sole discretion: <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />I. hmbility to negotiate willl government agendes under economical <br />temlS for the disposition and remediation of the AH Reuse Area. <br /> <br />2. DiscQvery of environmcnwCOl1ditions not currently allricipatedand <br />remediation costs !\Ssodated therewith which WQuld mllke the <br />developlllent not economically feasihle, <br /> <br />3, Fnill.l1.'e <,f the City to ado;jPI a Coniprehensive Plan A:tnomdrrleot <br />consistent withtlle V<mto Rllusel'lllo for the AH Reuse Area, <br /> <br />4. Determinatioo that iJlivate deve'lojmlent of the All Area by <br />Devoeloperil;; I)o,t feasible. <br /> <br />5, FaHurl! to secure governfllental approvals which \vowcl allow <br />environmental fClJ1l:diation and redevelopment III <)Ceur. <br /> <br />6. Failure of DevehllJer and City to ag:ree to proeeed with cach siC I' of <br />the proposed planning process, as QLlttined o,n Exhibit D attached <br />hereto. <br /> <br />8 <br /> <br />. <br />