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<br /> <br />April 1,2004 <br /> <br />Gramlview Square <br />5201 Eden A~eIlUC <br />Suile 370 <br />Edina. MN 554.36 <br /> <br />Honorable Mayer and City Council <br />City of Arden Hills, Minnesota <br /> <br />We have audited the general PUI]>ose financial statements of the City ()f!i\.rcten !Jjl~s\f"t the year ended 31, 2003 and <br />have issued our report thereon dated Aprill~ 2004. Professional standards;~qq:~"that we provide you with the following <br />information related to our audit. . <br /> <br />Our Responsibility Under Auditing Standards Ge"eral!yAe"epted in tbe UiilieMi,tates of America <br /> <br />,.-, <br /> <br />As stated in our engagement letter, our responsibility, as:4~scribed hYPf&~;~.ipnal sttil~~~ is to plan and perform OUf audit to <br />obtain reasonable. but not absolute. assurance that the finap.~ial statef!1~~tsta.r~4r~p_f maten~l misstatement and are fairly <br />presented in accordance with acco:tTPt)~,})til)~iples generaIlY'ac_cept~jn.the Urti.t~:'~~tes of America. Because an audit is <br />designed to provide reasonabk,:fj~tnot'abS(,)I~~elassurance andbecallse we did notperfonn a detailed examination of all <br />transactions~ there is a risk *3-9i1aferial errors, fraud or illegal 'acts' may exist and not be detected by us. <br /> <br />In planning and performing~~\ldit of the gell:~r;al purpose finaitc.i~l_statements of the City, for the year ended <br />December 31, 2003, we considereq,its internal<c:prtt.rol in order to detcl1Iline our auditing procedures for the purpose of <br />expressing our opini,~~,C)~ the generaJ,pl1:rp,qsefih~i1cialstatemeJlt~:~nd''[lot to provide assurance on the internal control. <br />However, we:!'~tt::,~:;~:ettai~:::Il"l:~tters iiiv~lving the intemal'controland its operation that we consider to be reportable conditions <br />under S~~[f~;'~tablished,:~Y;L~~fAmerica.rtInstitute of Certified Public Accountants. Reportable conditions involve matters <br />coming-"_~';1>_w.a'ttention relating:~p.$i~nificant-d~ficiencies in the design or operation of internal control that, in our judgment, <br />coul<J,,~~~tSely affect the City's li9:il~to recorc:t:px~cess, summarize, and report financial data consistent with the assertions of <br />manage--ii1~~iin the general purpose'fllillpcial staten:i~tits. We noted the following reportable condition: <br /> <br />segre~~ti~j;Qf Duties <br />','-c-"',::',. <br /> <br />Our study an&ey~r~tion disclo~:e~jl1at because of the limited size of your office staff, the City has limited segregation of <br />duties. Good intdtI~~;:~,ontroI5~~~inplates an adequate segregation of duties so that no one individual handles a transaction <br />from inception to conm.~~t~(:lJl'7\\yhile we recognize that the City is not large enough to permit an adequate segregation of <br />duties in all respects, i(,-is,j~~rtant, however, that you be aware of this condition. <br /> <br />A material weakness is a reportable condition in which the design or operation of one or more of the internal control components <br />does not reduce to a relatively tow level the risk that errors OT fraud in amounts that would be material in relation to the general <br />purpose financial statements being audited may occur and not be detected within a timely period by employees in the nonnal <br />course of performing their assigned functions. <br /> <br />OUT consideration of internal control would not necessarily disclose all matters in internal control that might be reportable <br />conditions and, accordingly, would not necessarily disclose all reportable conditions that are also considered to be material <br />weaknesses as defined above. However, the reportable condition described above is not believed to be a material weakness. <br /> <br />952.835.9090 . Fil~ 952.&153261 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br />