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<br />, <br /> <br />ARDEN HILLS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES <br />JULY 12,2004 <br /> <br />6 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden askcd what the City's liability was with licensing this. Mr. Hellegers <br />replied the applicant would need to indemnify thc City if a liability issue would arise. Hc notcd <br />thc City Attorney was aware of this issue and would address it in the Liccnsing Agreement. <br /> <br />Councilmember Grant askcd if this would be a perpetual license. Mr. Hellegers replied he did <br />not think it would be perpetual, but hc had not had the opportunity to share this with the <br />applicant. <br /> <br />.John Finn, applicant, 3331 New Brighton, statcd the encroachment was not done maliciously <br />and they thought the property line went along the line of trees, which they had planted. He stated <br />they already had moved all of the fences, so all of the encroachments with thc cxception of the <br />turnaround had been taken care of. He stated he did not completely understand the License <br />Agrccment issue, but he would be willing to include the encroachment as a part of his <br />homeowner's insurance and he would work with whatever they needed to work with to keep the <br />trees on the north side. <br /> <br />Mayor Aplikowski stated it was her understanding that the City Attorney was having this only <br />as a suggestion and asked if this could come back at a later time. Ms. Wolfe replied the <br />Licensing Agreement issue could be brought back at a future date. <br /> <br />Mayor Aplikowski noted the motion would only pertain to the two conditions as noted in staffs . <br />report. <br /> <br />A discussion ensued as to whethcr the Planning Commission had approved five or six feet. <br /> <br />Council member Grant amended his motion to Condition number 2 to read six feet, rather than <br />five feet. Councilmember Holden agreed to the amendment. <br /> <br />The motion carried unanimously (4-0). <br /> <br />Mayor Aplikowski requested staff get further information regarding the License Agreement <br />from the City Attorney. <br /> <br />E. Desil!nate "Absentee Board" for Elections <br /> <br />Ms. Wolfe stated individuals who will be absent or otherwise prevented from going to the <br />polIing place on election days because of a disability may vote by "absentee ballot" by <br />completing a "Request for Absentee Ballot" application. In years of Presidential eIcctions, a <br />significant an10unt of these absentce ballots are applied for by residents who cannot attend the <br />poll on either Election Day. For this reason, staff would like to designate a board consisting of <br />City Hall staff members to accept/reject thcse envelopes to save the Election Judges rrom having <br />to perform this task on Election Day. <br /> <br />. <br />