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<br /> <br /> City of Arden Hills <br /> Proposed 2005 Budget <br /> . <br />43550 Newsletter Printing 14240 16408 23900 24400 <br />43552 Newsletter WritingfEditing 1200 1200 1500 1500 <br />43610 General Liability Insnranee 15069 44095 46500 47400 <br />43615 Excess Liability lnsu ranee 5310 6717 6400 6836 <br />43620 Open Meeting Liability Illsuranee 0 0 500 500 <br />43650 Surety Bond 915 450 650 510 <br />43800 City Hall Water/Sewer Utilities 1963 0 2000 2060 <br />43810 Electric Utility 29346 31251 29800 27480 <br />43812 E lectricity-Sema p ho res 9610 10957 10000 10300 <br />43813 Electricity-Street Ligbting 16092 19538 17500 18025 <br />43814 Electricity-Civil Defense 217 199 225 225 <br />43815 Electricity-Lift Stations 22430 25632 24000 24720 <br />43820 Water Purchases-Roscvillc 567834 691913 625000 811125 <br />43825 MN DH Water Testing Fees 17680 19709 18000 18540 <br />43830 Natural Gas Expense 22734 26744 34050 25556 <br />43840 Res Recycling Costs 59233 83492 59000 63000 <br />43845 Residential Cleanup Costs 5740 0 7000 7000 <br />43850 Gopher State Fees 400 811 500 515 . <br />43860 MWCC-Current Year 509183 513331 550000 566500 <br />43865 SAC Reimbursements 39204 137585 0 0 <br />4401 0 Cleaning & Waste Remnval 21961 25476 20750 19313 <br />44015 Maint of B1dg & Grounds 6283 7657 13750 116500 <br />44030 Maint of Civil Defense Siren 9 0 50 0 <br />44031 Maint of Semaphores 0 0 0 0 <br />44032 Mise Street Maint Projects 5828 3163 3000 3090 <br />44033 Pvmt Management Seal Coating 0 76099 0 75000 <br />44034 Pvmt Management Alloe Costs 101065 691275 150000 150000 <br />44035 County Proj AlIoe Costs 0 0 0 0 <br />44036 Maint of Utilities 168539 19050 70000 72100 <br />44037 Maint of Street Lights 1813 0 4000 4120 <br />44038 Maint of Strom Sewers 68638 3607 50000 51500 <br />44040 Maint of Vebicles & Equip 10206 12033 15500 15800 <br />44045 Maintenance of Office Equip 50 373 500 1995 <br />44050 Tree Removal~Public PI"OP 4473 1784 2500 3750 <br /> <br />. <br />