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<br />f <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Septcmbcr 15, 2004 Mcmo to City Council <br />Building Position <br />Page30f4 <br /> <br />4) Parks/Trails <br />-Trail maintenance <br />-Flower gardens <br />-Park maintcnance <br />-Building maintenancc <br />-City Hall maintenance <br /> <br />5) Miscellaneons <br />-Televising sewer lines <br /> <br />If The City Elects To Stay At A HaIf-timePosition What Are The Issues <br />In addition to the service gap issues noted above, the other major issue is hiring a half-time <br />position that will stay with the City for a reasonable period of time. The City currently has a <br />unique opportunity with the combincd Building InspectorlFire Marshall position that is not found <br />in other communities. The options for the City, if they remain with a half-timc position are as <br />follows: <br /> <br />I) Attempt to find a half-time position in the market. For the last several years the <br />Building Inspector market has been very difficult from a recruitment standpoint. <br />Givcn the low number of qualified candidates compared to the number of positions, it <br />is even more difficult to find someone willing to work half-time. Most likely if <br />someone is found, it would be a candidate still in school wbo would want a full-time <br />position upon completion of the degree/certificate. It is unlikely that this type of <br />person would stay in a part-time position for any length oftimc. <br /> <br />2) Hire a private inspector. In most communities, private inspectors could cost up to <br />80% of the pemlit issuance fee. The positive aspect of hiring a private inspector is <br />matching time needs and not having general fund expenditure for staff time if <br />building activity decreases. From a City standpoint, thc negative is that a private <br />inspector docs not have the same sense of community ownership which translates into <br />a different level of customer service in addition to lost revenue to the general fund. <br /> <br />3) Share a half-time position with anothcr community. At this time, the Cities ofNcw <br />Brighton, Mounds View and possibly Circle Pines are interested in discussing a job <br />share. This is an innovative solution but still holds some of the same issues of <br />community ownership and customer service as docs the private inspector. <br /> <br />Does This Up2raded Position Satisfv Future TCAAP Needs <br />This upgraded position does not assume the future needs ofTCAAP or any greatly expanded <br />code enforcement activity. This position will satisfy our organizations cmTent needs as Guidant <br />continues to expand, expansions at our schools, churches, normal new in-fill residential and the <br />usual activities of residential and commercial remodeling. <br />