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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />() <br /> <br />An intersection capacity analysis was conducted for the existing study <br />intersections per the Highway Capacity Manual. Intersections controlled by <br />traffic signals or all-way stop signs are assigned a "Level of Service" letter grade <br />based on the intersection geometry, traffic volumes, and traffic control. Level of <br />Service A (LOS A) represents light traffic flow (free flow conditions) while Level of <br />Service F (LOS F) represents heavy traffic flow (over capacity conditions). LOS <br />D is considered acceptable in urban conditions, although LOS C or better is <br />preferred. <br /> <br />Intersections that have no control for the main roadway and stop sign or yield <br />sign control for the side streets are not assigned an overall LOS grade. Usually, <br />an intersection that has side-street stop sign control has little delay because most <br />of the traffic is moving through without stopping. LOS grades are assigned to <br />each of the side street approaches and main line left turns based on the <br />intersection geometry and traffic volumes. It is common for the side street <br />approach to have a poor LOS during the peak hours. LOS F is considered <br />acceptable at stop controlled approaches as long as the approach volumes are <br />relatively light and there are no stacking problems. The LOS calculated at a stop <br />sign controlled intersection is different than the LOS calculated at a signalized <br />intersection. Motorists have more tolerance for delay at a traffic signal than they <br />do at a stop sign. <br /> <br />The Highway 96/Hamline Avenue intersection currently operates at LOS C in the <br />a.m. peak hour and LOS D in the p.m. peak hour. The stop sign controlled <br />eastbound approach to the Hamline Avenue/Karth Lake Circle intersection <br />operates at LOS E in the a.m. peak hour and LOS F in the p.m. peak hour. The <br />calculations are included in the Appendix. <br /> <br />111. <br /> <br />TRAFFIC FORECASTS <br /> <br />A trip generation analysis was performed for the site based on the methods and <br />rates published in the ITE Trip Generation Manual, 7th Edition. The site is <br />currently zoned for neighborhood business uses, which includes offices. It is <br />anticipated that all of the units will be used as offices, but it is possible that a <br />business with a retail component could be allowed to occupy a unit under the <br />current zoning. The zoning would not allow high traffic generators (i.e. <br />McDonald's), but would allow small boutiques (i.e. antiques store). The uses <br />allowed would generate approximately the same amount of traffic that a normal <br />office would, so it is assumed all of the units would generate traffic as office units. <br />The results are shown in Table 1. <br /> <br />Arden Hills Qffice Park <br />Traffic Impact Study <br /> <br />6 <br /> <br />Arden Hills, iHN <br />May 2005 <br />