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<br />h. <br /> <br />HllJJ;~r yards 30 feel in \vidth shall he provide adjacent to aU rcsiderui:al uses outside the neighborhood <br />business district. The buffer yard shall be landscaped with a combmation of evergreen trees (six-tool- high <br />mlllimum) and deciduous tTces (thrce-inch caliper minimum) such that the use is effectively screcned from <br />the adjacellt rcsidLllces. The buffer yard landscaping shall nor be included into the minimum landscapmg . <br />calculation (Section A, 5, 3) <br />lhJ!/rs of Operation shall be prohibited bet\vcen the hours of It :00 p.m. to 6:00 3.m. All deliveries and <br />loachng shall be done during normal hours of operation. <br />Sloped Roof') shall be utilized on all principal and accessory stmctures. Roofing materials and design shail <br />be consistent \vith those found in the adjacent residential nelghborhoods Olltside the neighborhood <br />business district. <br />Exterior A/arenals shall include only face brick, stone, glass, or natural wood products. All walls shaH be <br />treated \I,.ith the same exterior materials. <br />Lighting shall adhere to the requirements of See lion 6, E, 3, of the Zoning Ordinance. Lighling shall not <br />be pennitted to wash the building, except for accent lighting to delineatc the main enrryway into the <br />building_ Security and parking lot lighting shall be on pedestals not to exceed 14 feet in height. <br />Trash shall be fully screened in a masonry enclosure or shall be stored within the pnncipal structure. <br />Vending Machines shall be located on the interior of the principal structure. <br />Bicycle Racks shall be provided in an area that is convenient to the main entryway into the building. <br />Sidewalks shall be provided adjacent to all public rights-of-way. <br />Gateways, where applicable, should be incorporated into the layout of the site. The 1985 Parkway System <br />Feasibility Study and the Comprehensive Plan provide additional guidance on the incorporation of <br />gateways. <br /> <br />c. <br /> <br />d. <br /> <br />c. <br /> <br />f <br /> <br />g <br />h. <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />J <br />k. <br /> <br />L SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE B-3 SERVICE BUSINESS DISTRICT. <br /> <br />I. Procedure. The application and the adminIstrative and review procedure established in SectIon 8, Special Use <br />Permits and in Appendix A, Procedural Manual, shall be followed for all development that involves new <br />building construction, modification of a building's exterior or modification of the site. Special use permits are <br />not reqUlrcd for permItted uses that occupy approved buildings that do not require exterior building <br />modification or site modification. This provision is subject to any modifications or additions set forth in this <br />Section The prescrIbed procedure may be modified by the City to allO\\-' planning flexibility and to encourage <br />cooperative dialogue between the applicant and the City. <br /> <br />) <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />2. Permitted Uses. Permitted uses are allowed as specified in the Land Use Chart, Section 5, E, for the B-3 <br />District. <br /> <br />3. Uses Allowed hy Special Use Permit. <br /> <br />a. The above permitted uses, if consttllction of a new building, modification of a building's exterior, or <br />modification of the site is involved. <br /> <br />b. Uses allo\',-'ed by Special Use Penuit as specified on the Land Use Chart, Sect tOll 5, E, for the B-3 District <br /> <br />4. Spedal Regulationsfor Drive-In Businesses and Fast Food Restaurants in the B-3 District. Section 6.D of <br />dus zoning ordinance, specifics additional requirements for drive-in businesses, fast food restaurants and <br />automobile service stations. This paragraph (4) is a provision whereby the proximity requirement of 1,320 feet <br />between drive-in bUSInesses or fast food restaurants may be \lv'aivcd irthe [ollowmg conditions are met: <br /> <br /> h. <br />( \ c <br />j I <br /> d. <br /> <br />a_ The operation consists of one or morc drive-In businesses or fas! food restaurants and is an integral part of <br />a building containing one or more other allowed uses, or the operation is part of an architecturally unified <br />"food court" or "drive-in service court" complex containing two or more restaurants, fast food restaurants <br />or drive-in businesses_ <br /> <br />Shared access drives and shared parking are utilized by all such restaurants, fast ((lOJ restaurants or drive- <br />in husinesses in said building or complex. <br /> <br />Only one "food court" Of "drive-in business court" or buildmg containing fast food restaurants or drive-in <br />businesses will be allowed in addition to one freestanding fasl food restaurant. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />The arclutecture and the site, grading, circulation, landscaping, screening ,lnd signage plans shall unify the <br />appearance ami function oUhe complex or building. <br />S-IO <br />