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<br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MEETING MINUTES <br />AUGUST 29, 2005 <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />trails located within Arden Hills, unless Ramsey County adopted a similar policy. Staff is <br />recommending that one 'Tobacco Free' sign be placcd at the entrance of each City Park. Signage <br />could be installed on existing poles, fences, or buildings within a particular park. Thus <br />minimizing 'sign pollution' and saving time and money on locates and the installation of sign <br />posts. Any additional park signage requests would be submitted by staff to the PTRC for review <br />and then forwarded to thc City Council for approval. Trail signage would be limited to a trail <br />head or the intersection of two trails. Signage could be installed on existing sign posts. Any <br />additional trail signage requests would be submitted by staff to the PTRC for review and then <br />forwarded to thc City Council for approval. Staffis estimating that 22 signs would be required for <br />City parks and 25 for trails, for a combined total of 47 signs. <br /> <br />He stated currently there were no designatcd funding sources for this proj ect in thc 2005 CIP <br />Budget or in the General Fund. The 'Tobacco Free' signage would be supplied, tree of charge, by <br />thc Ramsey Tobacco Coalition and the members of PACT will provide the labor to install the <br />signs. City staff will provide the labor for 'locates' oC utilities by submitting a work order to <br />Gopher-Onc and then physically going out on the location site to mark the City's utilities. <br />Estimatcd staff costs are based on approximately three hours of work at a cost not to excced <br />$60.50. In addition, thc City will supply the posts for the signage. These sign posts arc leftover <br />posts from the City of Arden Hills equipmcnt inventory. Some of thcse posts are too short for <br />regulatory street signage becausc they were damaged by a snow plow, a car, or vandalism. While <br />the City made an initial investment to purchasc these posts, thc present condition of the posts does . <br />not allow for them to be used for strcct signage. In addition, 0 & M staff will scek assistancc <br />from Ramsey County Public Works in securing thcir extra non-rcgulation posts. Ramsey County <br />Public Works indicated that they would supply their 'extra' posts at no cost to the City. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden asked how they would establish when someone was chcwing something <br />ifit was gum or tobacco. Ms. Katie Engman, Director of PACT, stated this was an awareness <br />issuc only and she was not aware of anyone being asked to spit something out of their mouth to <br />see what it was. <br /> <br />Mayor Aplikowski asked what the difference was bctween parkland and opcn space. Mr. Moorc <br />rcsponded parkland was a designated City owncd park and open space would be Ramsey County <br />open space bctwccn Tony Schmidt Park and Mounds View High School. He noted there wcre <br />informal trails in thcre and this was the only designated open space in the City. <br /> <br />Mayor Aplikowski stated she belicved open space was too vague and extreme and asked whcre <br />enforcemcnt would stop. <br /> <br />Councilmember Larson stated he took this to mean open space would stop at the border of City <br />owned property and private property. He believed the language was self limiting. <br /> <br />David McClung stated the issue was if they did have City owned open space this would apply. . <br />lIe did not believc at the present time the City did havc any City owned open space. He notcd <br />