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<br />Holly Hansell Consulting <br /> <br />,~ <br /> <br />Introduction <br />The eommissioners and lead staff from the North Suburban Communieations <br />Commission (NSCC)/North Suburban Access Corporation (NSAC), and representatives <br />from the NSCC member cities attended a planning retreat on February 26, 2005. This <br />retreat was organized by NSCC Exeeutive Director Coralie Wilson and the NSCC <br />Strategie Planning Committee. The retreat's purpose and goals were to 1) educate NSCC <br />commissioners, eity staff, and NSCC/NSAC lead staff about various models for PEG <br />access and institutional/eommunity networks; 2) determine the need for further planning <br />by identifying issues and priorities; and 3) determine ifNSCC commissioners, cities, and <br />staff had similar interests and priorities, <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />During the morning, three presentations were made by guest speakers. The first two <br />speakers covered networks and different types of teclmologies and associated key issues; <br />the third speaker presented various possibilities for PEG aceess operations, Holly <br />Hansen facilitated the afternoon session, whieh eonsisted of a visioning exercise and a <br />SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) exercise, and discussions to <br />help the attendees identify issues, priorities and common themes that might require <br />further review and planning, This report addresses the afternoon exercises and outcomes, <br />provides summary information as well as the full results of each of the exercises, and <br />presents planning themes and next steps discussed at the retreat. <br /> <br />Visioning Exercise <br />The first exercise of the afternoon was a visioning exercise. The attendees were asked to <br />imagine that they were writing a letter in February 20 I 0 to a eolleague who had been <br />very involved with the NSCC but who had moved away and lost toueh, They were to <br />write a letter deseribing the current aetivities of the organization in as much detail as they <br />could, including things like staffing, programs and aetivities, board status, relationships <br />with the cities and the cable company, etc. Small groups then discussed these "letters" <br />and recorded their combined results. A large group discussion was then held and a <br />master list was developed. The master list was created by asking each group to report an <br />item from their list; if another group had a similar item, they checked it off their list so it <br />was not duplicated on the master list. The final master list eontained items that had been <br />on at least two groups' lists, The master list and the individual group lists were posted <br />and participants voted for six items they believed were most important; they could vote <br />for items on the master list and the individual lists. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Votes were made with color eoded dots: blue for commissioners, green for city <br />reprcsentatives, and red for NSCC staff. Different colors were used to determine inhere <br />were any significant differenees in priorities among those present that might warrant <br />further study. These results were not discussed at the retreat and are not examined in this <br />report. The three items or themes that received the most votes were: a wider scope of <br />programming and services that also included more staff; NSCC eontrolling its own <br />communications corporation, and that NSCC would become a regional entity. The <br />detailed results of the Visioning Exercise appear in Attachment A of this report. The <br />"raw data" in this section refers to "brown group" and groups of other eolors; the colors <br />refer to the color of the marker each group used to make its list and have no other <br />significance, <br /> <br />. <br />
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