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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />ARDEN HILLS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES <br />APRIL II, 2005 <br /> <br />11 <br /> <br />development ofTCAAP would paid for by itself, but the maintenance costs would be shared by <br />both TCAAP and the current taxpayers as a part of the City as a whole. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden stated current citizens would be responsible for emergency services. <br />Mayor Aplikowski noted the cost of maintenance would be shared by all residents within the <br />City. <br /> <br />Mr. Clark stated they were talking about two different things, public financing and local <br />resources. With respect to public financing, he believed the majority of discussions constructing <br />the majority ofthe public financing to not affect the existing taxpayer. With respect to general <br />obligation bonds for specific infrastructure improvements this would carry a minimum risk <br />because the bonds carried a senior obligation to any mortgage, The second level of discussion <br />was local resources, He stated the struggle was that they did not have the strategy before them <br />and how did they as a City match up what was a potential shortfall. He stated that was what they <br />would need to resolve in the next few months and this would become a part of the local resources <br />plan, If there was a small amount of taxes to be paid there had to be an understanding that the <br />TCAAP area was not 100 percent segregated from the City because there would be tangible and <br />intangible benefits to the rest of the City. <br /> <br />Council member Holden ask.:d for an explanation on Page 8 of9, 7A. She indicated in her <br />opinion this was a meaningless sentence and asked why this was in there, Mr. Clark stated this <br />statement was important to the EDC, <br /> <br />Mr. Filla stated whether people agreed with this or not, it was a clear statement and as they need <br />to look at the Master Development Agreement, this documents was only a guiding principal, and <br />unless they changed the wording, the direction was that they shall not put the burden ofthis <br />project on existing taxpayers and they needed to figure out how to word the Master Development <br />Agreement to reflect this as well as the Resource Plan, <br /> <br />Councilmember Grant stated while this was the EDC recommendation, once this was adopted, <br />it would be City policy, Ms. Wolfe stated it was important that with a statement this strong, that <br />would assume that services would stay at the same level. She indicated they had to keep in mind <br />that if they wanted an increase in services, changes in their desire for levels of services may <br />impact the cost of those services citywide, <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden stated this sentence was also on Page I of9 and this theme was <br />reflected throughout the entire document. <br /> <br />Stacie Kvilvang, Ehlers & Associates, stated with the City bond issue, there were other bonds <br />that could be used also. <br /> <br />Dennis Probst, Former Mayor, 3395 Lake Johanna Boulevard, stated he was probably the <br />first person to suggest that this development not cost the other residents in the City any money <br />and he still stood by that proposal, but cautioned the Council not to segregate the TCAAP area <br />from the rest of the City, He stated with the growth of residential areas, this would create some <br />
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