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<br />No path or walkway has ever been constructed on the Pedestrian Way; the existing pathway is . <br />located in the Ramsey County Right-of-way. Even after the widening and improvements to <br />Lexington Avenue, the pathway would not be located in the Pedestrian Way. However, it would <br />be directly adjacent to the east side of the Pedestrian Way. This could be problematic if a fence <br />were built right up to this property line by a future property owner (the current owner has stated <br />that he would not be installing a fence up to this point). Therefore, if the Council elects to vacate <br />the Pedestrian Way, staff would recommend keeping a strip of at least 2 feet along the eastern <br />edge of the Pedestrian Way. This 2-foot buffer would allow people to use the full 5-foot width <br />of the new walkway without feeling like they were walking right next to a waiL In addition, if <br />the intersection of Amble Drive and Lexington Avenue were ever to have a traffic signal <br />installed in the Right-of-way, the pathway could shift to the west at the comer. Therefore, staff <br />has also included a recommendation that if Council elects to vacate the Pedestrian Way, that the <br />north 20 feet of the Pedestrian Way be retained for future improvements. <br /> <br />The City Engineer, Operations and Maintenance Director, and Ramsey County have been <br />informed of the plans and all recommend that the City not vacate the Pedestrian Way. During <br />the Lexington Avenue widening and improvements the edge of construction entered the <br />Pedestrian Way. Had the Pedestrian Way been vacated, then a temporary easement from the <br />property owner (at cost to the City & County) would have been necessary. Included in the <br />attachments is a Ramsey County Right-of-Way sketch which shows the new alignment of <br />Lexington Avenue, the new concrete path, and the edge of construction, <br /> <br />Should the Council elect to vacate the Pedestrian Way at the present time, Ramsey County would <br />need a temporary easement for the construction limits while they reconstruct Lexington Avenue. <br />The resident at 1104 Amble Drive has stated that he would be willing to grant Ramsey County a <br />no-cost temporary easement for the construction limits while Ramsey Connty reconstructs <br />Lexington Avenue. One way to work with this would be to require the resident to provide <br />Ramsey County with the temporary easement, have the easement recorded with the County, and <br />the applicant provide the City with a recorded copy of the easement prior to the vacation taking <br />effect. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Ovtions <br /> <br />1. Recommend approval as submitted. <br />2. Recommend approval with conditions, <br />3, Recommend dcnial with reasons for dcnial. If the City denies the petitioners request, <br />" must state in writing the reasons for the denial at the time it denies the request." <br />4. Table for additional information. <br /> <br />Notice <br /> <br />Notice was published in the Arden Hills/Shoreview Bulletin on Wednesday, May] 1,2005 and <br />notice was prepared by the City and mailed to residents within three-hundred fifty (350) feet of <br />the subject property. <br /> <br />\\Earth\Planning\Planning Cases\2005\05-15 Vacation of Pedestrian Way by 1104 Amble - Len Gallus (PENDING)\05-31-05 CC Rcpon 05- . <br />IS.doc <br /> <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />